Sold [WTB] Buying lots of items

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Swatme, 11/30/16.

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  1. Swatme

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    I'd like to buy some of the following items. I got 200-300$ to blow on black Friday weekend so show me what you got.

    Pixies/ethers: I'll be paying 0.90$ each.

    Skins: I'll be paying them 1.20$ each. I'm looking for the following skins (brigand, hunts, skeleton, bbwolf and skeleton)

    Rings: I'll be paying 0.70$ each unbound ring of health and 1.40$ each deca ring.

    ST Sets: I'll be paying 2.50$ each for each set. I'm looking for all the sets except oryx.

    If you got other items, show me what you got, I might buy!

    I'm going to pay with Paypal

    Skype is live:swatmerotmg.

    Please comment your Skype below before adding me. I will go first if your very trusted or you go first.
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