Sold [WTB] ARK Survival evolved

Discussion in 'ARK Survival Evolved Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by -[jello]-, 1/3/17.

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  1. -[jello]-

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    hello every one !!
    i want to buy ARK Survival Evolved and as every one know the game now selling on steam 29.95$ be cuz the offer is end and i have in my account steam 15$ so i cant buy the game but u can buy the game from G2A or if u have already the game i mean u purchased the game before the offer end .
    what i want to say is I'm ready to buy any game under 15$ and give it to u if u 2 send to me the game.
    sorry for my bad English and thank you.
    Skype : jello.3
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