Wtb age of wushu high level account on android

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SaiSriSatyajit, 11/10/16.

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  1. SaiSriSatyajit

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    Hey guys. I would like to buy age of wushu high level acc on android. In the account a jade set ( highwind for example ) is a must. Wudang/RoyalGuards/Tangmen/Shaolin preferred. It must be a male character. You can contact me through kik.( iruna_Hellrekt ) or my email - [email protected]
    As for money part I can offer iTunes/ Google play cards ( US/INDIAN ) or direct cash through xoom . I would give more amount of money if its through Google play cards or iTunes.
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