WTB ! : Account Lvl 100+ SYLVIA HH EQ ETC.

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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    Hey guys, i wanna buy a Lvl 100+ Account on SYLVIA. Nice EQUIP (hh realms etc) Just post ur offer or PM ur offer. ONLY WITH MIDDLEMAN !! Paypal or PSC however u want !

    Price check for Heroic gold ticket maybe i trade it server urzark ( 1 2)

    titel says its the old HH ticket where u can get bonus stats in your HH Parts say me any1 what is it worth no1 can get it anymore i think

    WTS [URZARK] Some items, Bound Gold Ticket ( 1 2)

    Hello, I am selling some items on Urzark World: -HH Staff 80lvl +12 5/5 ashtals (29 dmg/10 ele dmg/ 4% crit/ 4% stun ) SOLD -HH Wand 90lvl +12 4/4 ashtal(23 dmg/15 ele dmg/ 22 a.ratting/3%stun SOLD -Sorc CF Kilt Zwan +12 2/2 6 lvl stones and Extra 12% ressi in SOLD -Sorc Zwan Bracelets 2/2 scions and 3% extra cast SOLD -Normal Biglos Necklace with Elemental Cloak level 5 SOLD -Brilliant Blode 8%res in SOLD -Brilliant Blode 6% res in SOLD -Knight CF Armor +12 3/3 5lvl stones (12%SB/10%HP/6%Mana in) SOLD -Knight CF Boots extra 9% block 1/2 5lvl movement speed **WTS Mage 60 lvl ACC with BOUND GOLD TICKET If you interested send me offer on private chat. I want scrolls or PayPal transfer.

    WTS intel luke lvl 3 dim cloak Zian

    intel luke with lvl 3 dim cloak on Zian offer in scrolls please

    WTT 3/3 spiral ring in Zian ( 1 2 3)
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