Looking to purchase a lvl74-75 character with the follow: Region: North America Server: SL,IS,TM,KR,BR (basically any) Race: Asmo Class: Templar, Sorc, or Sin Must have full 75ap armor and full +5 lvl77 boundless or +5 lvl75 ap accessories pm me your price.
i have a lvl 72, 95% to 73 geared sin. full royal captain+13/11 2 royal captain weapons +15/+9, +5atk/crit plume. +15 60a2 wings and +3/+3 royal capt earring. +2+2+2 helmet/ring/ring +5/+5 divine neck/belt. It also has Aion's Chosen Title +5move/ +3 atk +500 hp title. Would you be interested to offer? Thanks, I respond fast.
Thank for the reply but I am really looking for a character lvl74+ I currently have a 72 sin myself and it is just absolutely mind numbing to level lol But if I do change my mind, I;ll shoot you a PM.
Also, for people posting in the future (if I have not purchased an account yet), please state your price. Do not say "offer me".... I am not interested in this haggling, because I will offer you $1.....
Hi are you interested in a ranger? its level 75 and i have a end game gear Bow sophisticated frigida legion +15 fusion with abyss level 75 prime captain. with precision +8 and silences godstone thunder dragon skin Bow sophisticated frigida legion +15 fusion with abyss level 75 prime captain. with power +9 and blind godstone water dragon skin full abyss prime captain armor set level 75 +15 and abyss level 75 jewerly +4 set pve apollon and jewerly apollon Harvester bow fusion with apollon +15 for pve instances full power and precision and more stuff if u want let me know the price is 300$ its a high end account
Edit No longer interested in need of a sin or templar. I am ONLY interested in sorc accounts or sorc items such as lvl75 abyss armor / accessories. Weapon is not needed, but will be willing to hear out offers anyway. Thanks.