Ok this has gone beyond ridiculous. I was wrongly attacked by 3 guys accusing me of being shady and calling me a liar. I have never tried to scam anyone and quite honestly never tried to conduct any shady business with any of them or anybody else. If they don't like my business then they have the right to not deal with me. One of the guys wasted 2 weeks of my time messaging me every day telling me "I want your account." Telling me story after story of why it's taking so long. Finally I messaged him asking if he still wanted it and he just stopped responding to me. I never did anything shady. If you want to be honest, he was the one being shady. Even so I never complained and that was that. He decided not to buy and I didn't say a word even though he wasted all that time telling me over and over "I want your account." Anyway the other 2 jumped on the band wagon and started trolling my posts and even writing threads trying to ruin my reputation and business on here. None of them have done any business on here or haven't done any lately. Their only purpose now is to write this crap lying about me. Regardless of their claims I have broke no rules. Nobody has accused me of being a scammer. The only guy that did, only did so because I wouldn't buy his account right that second. I told him in messages that I would buy when I got paid in 1 or 2 days. I have also implored support trying to get the false negative feedback removed. Still nothing has been done. He was banned for scamming more than 1 person and trying to scam me yet his false negative feedback is still there after I asked for it to be removed. I have simply been ignored. In this case now however both sides have falsely accused each other of shady and unfair business and behavior. I admittedly did give them all negative feedback that was in violation of the rules and I agree with the feedback I gave them being removed however they also gave me negative feedback of the same nature. None of their feedback accused me of being a scammer just like mine. If mine was removed and I was given a warning then theirs should be too. This has become a 1 sided deal. You have only punished me when they did the exact same thing. Another thing is that they falsely gave each other positive feedback for business they never did. They only did it to make each other look better. Feedback goes both ways. You can give false positive feedback as well can't you? I tried to apologize at one point and it obviously wasn't accepted because we are still here in this situation. They should, all 3 of them, be punished as well for false accusations, deliberately trying to damage my reputation and violating the feedback rules. All my customers have always been satisfied and gave good feedback. The only ones that have something against me are 3 guys that haven't done any business with me. One got mad simply because I at the last minute before the attempted deal I asked for an extra $5 to cover the charge of the paypal transfer. He decide not to buy and I even said "ok I will give for $30. He still decided not to buy and I said ok and it was over. He decides to accuse me of shady business. What was so shady about that? Also they are mad because I mentioned I needed the money for medical issues and medications. I am a really bad diabetic and have sever health issues and was being truthful. Nothing wrong with that. If you believe or not it is still not shady and their perogative to not do business with me. Regardless of their beliefs about me, I have not scammed anyone. Nobody has accused me of any wrong doing. They started all this. I have only responded and tried to defend myself and yet I am the only one being punished. You won't remove any of my negative feedback when the fact is none of it stays within the rules of leaving feedback. Their feedback is exactly along the lines of mine.Can you explain why theirs has remained on my record and theirs has been removed? Please explain why that is? Please help me understand. I will await your answer and hopefully some insight into this. Thank you.
Oh yea why am I a HIGH RISK? I haven't scammed anyone nor have I been accused of it. You have jumped the gun and labeled me a HIGH RISK prematurely. How can I be a HIGH RISK when I havent tried to scam anyone? This is wrong. Where is the proof of me being a HIGH RISK? There is none and yet you say I am. These 3 haven't even accused me of being a Scammer. They have no proof of any scamming because I haven't tried to scam anyone. Show me where I tried to scam anyone. Why am I a HIGH RISK? Every person that has done a deal with me has left positive feedback is very satisfied. Once again you have singled me out and wrongly accused me and labeled me a scammer basically just like they have. It's very wrong. The label needs to be removed. You haven't even waited for any type of proof to justify your label of me as a HIGH RISK.
How do you like your "HIGH RISK" emblem? It really suits you. And you deserve it! You don't have to scam someone to become labelled as HIGH RISK. Even an attempt or signs of you hinting to scam will make you HIGH RISK. There's a really good reason why you're high risk. You lie and lie and lie. Didn't you say you had "chronic pain?" Now you say you have diabetes? Dang! How many sicknesses do you have? What's next? Cancer?
It's your fault for b|tching when someone refused to buy your account because you acted very fishy. Don't blame others for attempting to scam you or leaving false negative feedback on their profiles. I'm glad Admin removed your dirty little feedbacks that you gave us.
lol I bitched becasuse you wouldn't buy my account? lol Ofcourse another lie. I never said a word when you got shady with me after wasting 2 weeks of my time. I never said anything. Nothing came up until you jumped on me when my conversation had nothing to do with you. Anyway once again ADMIN they can't stay off my posts. This is meant for Admin not you but we already know you can't stay away and keep your mouth shut. Addictions can be so powerful. Must be hard knowing when you wake up I'm on your mind until you go to bed and maybe just maybe I come to you in your dreams as well lmao.
Nothing to do with me?! Then who are the 3 people you mentioned huh? You're just contradicting yourself all over the place aren't ya?!
Has for me, you did break a rule you lied to admins in a complaint against me, saying I asked for your accoyunt for free ( which I never did) and then you said I was making fun of your disability ( which I never did )....You made a false complaint against me with no prrof to back your claim. I copy pasted all the chat pvt msg's between me and you foir everyone to see that you lied. That is my issue with you. You went on the offensive against me cause I said you sold a account but relist it, look shady to me...that was not calling you a scammer that was me giving a opinion. You claim your 48 years old, figured you know the what a opinion means... guess not?