Exploiting Wrongful recall of account

Discussion in 'Disputes - Banned Scammers' started by Ben Gyllensvaan, 4/17/21.

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  1. Ben Gyllensvaan

    Ben Gyllensvaan
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    About two years ago I bought an account off this website, and a month after that around April 26, 2019 I get seven emails from player on saying I refunded which I have not, then they begin to send debt collectors after me for pretty much paying for what I paid for but they said I haven’t , I have lost the account I paid for $80 worth and now I have no account and I spent 200 dollers on this website because the seller refunded the account I never got it I can’t get into it now and he got $180 off of me instead of just the 80 I paid for
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