Selling Wraith cannon account

Discussion in 'Dead Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mike23505, 11/13/16.

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  1. mike23505

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    Ive got an Account Level 68 with a wraith cannon, The Black Vengeance guard armor (95% damage reduction, 800 durability) both limited time items.
    Titanium blades.
    ironsight 33-f
    Has its own clan to do with as you please (10 mil in game)
    4 salvage implants and a destruction implant
    209 credits
    and 44,619,009.
    yes 44 million
    the wraith cannon and the armor cost me about $300 dollars a piece.
    make me a reasonable offer if interested
    asking $700
    ive probably dropped more than $900 into this account over the short time i played
    will answer questions
    df acc1.PNG df acc2.PNG df acc3.PNG df acc4.PNG
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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