Sold WoWs and WoT EU account

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by WoWsSelling, 5/8/22.

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  1. WoWsSelling

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    WoWs and WoT account ready for clan battles or just random games!

    WoWs stats - Games played - 21 766, WR - 59.38%, PR - 1795
    WoT stats - Games played - 56 282, WR - 54,29, WN8 - 2030,27

    World Of Warships

    About 350 ships are available in the account!!!

    Tier 10 ships

    Shimakaze, Harugumo, Hayate, Zao, Yoshino, Yamato, Shikishima, Hakuryu, (Harugumo currently resetted for research buerau points)
    Gearing, Somers*, F. Sherman, Des Moines, Worcester, Puerto Rico**, Salem, Austin, Montana, Vermont, Ohio, Midway, F. D. Roosevelt
    , Grozovoi, Delny, Moskva, A. Nevsky, Petropavlovsk, Stalingrad, Smolensk*, Kremlin, Slava, Nakhimov
    Z-52, Elbing, Hindenburg, G. Kurfurst, Schleiffen, Preussen, M. Richthofem, M. Immelmann
    Daring, Druid, Minotaur, Goliath, Gibraltar, Conqueror, Thunderer*, Audacious
    Kleber, Marceau, Henry IV, Colbert, Republique, Bourgogne
    Venezia, Napoli, C. Colombo
    Yueyang, Jinan
    Halland, Smaland*, Ragnar
    Gouden Leeuw
    Vampire II

    All tech tree ships from tier 8-9 are available!
    Most of tech tree ships from tier 5-6-7 are available!

    Tier 10 ships for steel, coal, free XP and Research bureau points - Hayate, Shikishima, Somers, F. Sherman, Salem, Austin, Ohio, F. D. Roosevelt, Khabarovsk, Moskva, Stalingrad, Smolensk, Slava, G, Kurfurst, M. Immelmann, Marceau, Colbert, Bourgogne, Napoli, Smaland, Ragnar, Vampire II

    Premium ships:
    Tier 2 - Tachibana, Tachibana Lima, Mikasa, Smith, Albany, Emden, Alte Abreu

    Tier 3 - Charleston, Aurora, Varyag, K. Albert*, Campbeltown, Dreadnought, Vampire*

    Tier 4 - Yubari, Nikolay I*

    Tier 5 - Kamikaze R*, Yahagi, ARP Kongo, ARP Kirishima, ARP Hiei, Hill, Marbleheaad, Marblehead Lima, Oklahoma,
    Texas, Okhotnik, Murmansk, Krasny Krym, Mikoyan, Kirov, Okt, Revolutsiya, Exeter, Agincourt, Siroco, Genova,
    Giulio Cesare*, Viribus Unitis

    Tier 6 - Shinonome, Mutsu, Ise, Monaghan, Arizona, W. Viginia 1941, Molotov, Makarov*, Novorossiysk, T-61*,
    Graf Spee*, P. E. Friedrich, E. Loewenhardt*, Gallant, London, Warspite, Repulse, Ark Royal, Aigle, De Grasse,
    Dunkerque, Dunkerque B, Bearn, Leone, Duca Daosta, Anshan, Huanghe, Perth, Mysore, Jurua, Canarias

    Tier 7 - Yudachi*, ARP Myoko, ARP Ashigara, ARP Haguro, ARP Nachi, S. Dragon, Ashitaka, Huyga, Sims, Atlanta,
    Indianapolis, Boise, Flint, Florida, California, Leningrad, Lazo, Poltava, Z-39*, Munchen, Weimar, Scharnhorst,
    Belfast*, Hood, Nelson*, Duke Of York, Strasbourg, Duca Degli Abruzzi, Gorizia, Blyskawica, Yukon, Nueve de Julio

    Tier 8 - Asashio*, Atago, Atago B, ARP Takao, Kaga, Kidd, Wichita, Anchorage**, Congress, Alabama, Massachusetts*,
    Constellation, Enterprise*, Saipan, Kutuzov*, Ochakov, P. Bagration, Lenin*, Borodino, Chkalov, Z-35, Prinz Eugen,
    Mainz, Odin**, Tirpitz B, Graf Zeppelin, Cossack, Cossack B, Belfast '43, Cheshire, Indomitable, Le Terrible, Bayard,
    Gascogne, Flandre, Roma, Siliwangi, Loyang, Loyang B, Fenyang, Irian, Orkan, De 7 Provincien**


    Tier 9 - Azuma, Musashi*, Hizen**, Benham*, Alaska*, Missouri***, Kearsarge, Georgia*, Neustrashimy, Kronshtadt*, Z-44, ZF-6**, Siegfried, Agir, Pommern, Marlborough**, Carnot, Jean Bart*, Paolo Emilio, Marco Polo, Friesland*, Groningen
    *** Missouri is the original ship, that means you have permanent mission for 30% more credits!
    ** Ships only available from dockyard events and no other way you can obtain them!
    * Rare ships you cant obtain anymore!

    Legendary caaptains
    - Isoroku Yamamoto, William F. Halsey, Andrew Cunnungham, Philippe Auboyneau, Jerzy Ṡwirski
    There are more captains with enhanced skills

    Credits - 144 841 521
    Free XP - 8 153 774
    Elite Commander XP - 6 296 270
    Doubloons - 17 825
    Premium account - 1193 days left as of the day posting this
    Coal - 297 604
    Steel - 12 019
    Research points - 42 799 (1800 more available on Minekaze and 36 000 more available on Harugumo for obtain! I just stack multiple resets and then get them all at once)
    Clan token - 1
    Rank token - 8
    Vacant slots - 52


    E 50 Aausf. M, Leopard 1, E 100, Maus. Grille 15, Jagdpanzer E 100, G.W. E 100, Obj. 140, T-62A, T-22 medium, IS-7, Obj. 260,
    T110E5, T57 Heavy, T110E4, T92 HMC, Bat.-Chattillon 25 t, AMX 50 B, AMX Foch 50 B, AMX 50 Foch (155), Bat.-Chattillon 155 58, Centurion Action X, Super Conqueror, FV215b, FV4805 Stage II, FV215b (183), Conqueror Gun Carriage, 121B, STB-1,
    Type 5 Heavy, TVP T 50/51, Kranvagn
    IS-4, Badger, 121 - Tanks are sold, you can buy them at anay time

    Premium tanks

    Tier 2: Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. D, T-45, Tetrarch, Light MK. VIC, Type 97 Te-Ke, TKS z n.k.m. 20mm, L-60
    Tier 3: 43 M.Toldi III, BT-7 artillery, T-116, T-29
    Tier 4: Pz.Sflc. IC
    Tier 5: Pz.Kpfw. T 25, StuG IV, T-34 shielded, SU-85I, Valiant, Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai
    Tier 6: VK 28.01 mit 10.5 cm L/28, Dicker Max, T-50-2, T-34-85 Rudy, T-34-85M, M24E2 Super Chaffee, Cromwell B, TOG II, Type 64,
    Heavy Tank No. VI, Skoda T 40
    Tier 7: Krupp-Stayer Waffentrager, IS-2, SU-122-44, T23E3, Super Hellcat, T-28 Concept
    Tier 8: T-44-100, IS-6, IS-5 (Object 730), T26E4 Super Pershing, T25 Pilot Number 1, T95E2, TS-5, AMX Chasseur de chars,
    FCM 50 T, Chieftain/T95, FV4202, WZ-111, STA-2, Progetto M35 mod. 46
    Tier 9: T-55A
    #1 WoWsSelling, 5/8/22
    Last edited: 5/8/22
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