Selling  High End  Asia Wows 39 TX , Many limited ships ( 63 , Musashi , JB, Alaska, etc ) , accept paypal .

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mortlach Nguyen, 4/18/22.

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  1. Mortlach Nguyen

    Mortlach Nguyen
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    First i want to pin my contact infomation to the top of the post description :
    I'm a new trader , This is the account with the original email and contact number, I can give you the information as soon as I can (no more than 1 day)

    Then now , lets get into the account's information :
    This account doesn't have too many pre tier 8 and 9 , If you need more information , we can talk more via discord , i will invite you to my server to check legit .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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