Sold WOT EU: 52% 80 tier X 77 premium/special obj. 907 260 279 Chieftain Kpz 07

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by Odmir Codemo, 7/10/24.

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  1. Odmir Codemo

    Odmir Codemo
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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    WOT EU: 52% wr, 7.9k bonds, 3500gold, 170k free XP,
    all tech tree tanks unlocked, 80 tier X, 77 premium and special vehicles,
    obj. 907, Kpz 07 P(E), obj. 260, obj. 279e, obj. 452K, Lion, 114 SP2,
    Chieftain, Concept 1B, and 70 peaces of special equipment.

    12 year old account
    52.1% wr 107K battles
    1663 wn8
    80 Tier X tanks
    Maneuvers legend top 1% badge

    Tier X: Kpz 07 P(E), obj. 907, obj. 260, obj. 279e, obj. 452K,
    obj. 780, obj. 268 V, M60, Foch 155, FV 215b, Chieftain,
    Lion, 114 SP2, 121B and all tech tree tier X

    Tier IX: Kpz 50t, Kunze Panzer, T-55A, Obj. 777, K-91,
    Patton the tank, AE Phase 1, Concept 1B, Char Futur 4,
    Lorraine 50t, Cobra, WZ-114, Strv K, and tech tree
    (T-54, AMX 30p, Skoda T50, TNH VZ 51)

    Tier VIII: obj. 274a, Obsidian, IS-3 Peregrine, SU-130PM,
    T-832, M54 Renegade, TS-5, EBR 75 (FL10), AltProto
    AMX 30, Chimera, Caernarvon #, Charlemagne,
    122 TM, ShPTK-TVP 100, CS-52 LIS, 56 TP, Emil 1951,
    Progetto and 8 tech tree tanks

    Tier VII: IS-2 Shielded, King Tiger, Super Hellcat,
    M56 Scorpion, T28 Concept

    Tier VI: VK 10.5cm, Dicker Max, t-50-2, T-34-85M,
    SU-100Y, Super Chaffee, A46, Excalibur, HT no VI,
    Strv 42-57

    Tier V and IV: Pz IV F2, Pz.Sfl IC, T-34 L-11, KV-1SA
    T-34 Shielded, AMX 13, M10RBFM, Valiant

    Rest of special tanks: T-45, BT-7 artilery, T-116, T-29
    MTLS-1G14, Tank T3, AMR 35, TKS 20mm, Lago M38

    Bounty equipment:
    4x Turbo
    3x Hardening
    2x Rammer
    2x Gun laying drive
    1x Aiming
    1x Stabilizer
    1x Ventilation

    Improved equipment:
    18x Rammer
    13x Stabilizer
    13x Vents
    4x Hardening
    1x Turbo
    1x Gun laying drive

    Experimental equipment:
    4x Survival improvement T3
    1x Mobility system T3

    All tanks have equipment and there is more in depot.
    There are also 48 retraining orders, 4 personal manuals,
    2 universal manuals, and 123 more training books.
    Many event styles, CW camos and 3d skins.
    Most metta tanks have full field modifications unlocked

    If you have any questions send me message or email me at [email protected] Discord: smealgroove
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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