CC98 VIP level 116 Approx 95 Mil Platinum Tons of RSS/Speed ups including T7/T4 respectively. Ronen, Xira, Riggs, Talia, Jade, Mara, and Ryder all lvl 250. Aria lvl 22. Bruce lvl 74. Maxed research on everything except Merc promotion (starting lvl 15), Blitz Combat (started lvl 19), level 100 combat/defense (maxed to cc97), lvl 100 economics (starting lvl 6), and Battle Marks Elite (research not started). Every vehicle opened up. 18 mil mercs and plenty of merc crates to build more. Asking for $5000 (worth way more) but willing to discuss.
cd24, post: 19037838, member: 1362497"]CC98 VIP level 116 Approx 95 Mil Platinum Tons of RSS/Speed ups including T7/T4 respectively. Ronen, Xira, Riggs, Talia, Jade, Mara, and Ryder all lvl 250. Aria lvl 22. Bruce lvl 74. Maxed research on everything except Merc promotion (starting lvl 15), Blitz Combat (started lvl 19), level 100 combat/defense (maxed to cc97), lvl 100 economics (starting lvl 6), and Battle Marks Elite (research not started). Every vehicle opened up. 18 mil mercs and plenty of merc crates to build more. Asking for $5000 (worth way more) but willing to discuss.[/QUOTE]