World Of Warships EU Account, 60% WR, 2123 PR, 1447 battles, 8xT10! Good account for begginers with good stats and few premium ships! SHIPS IN PORT T10: Shimakaze, Harugumo, Zao, Yamato, Hakuruy, G. Kurfurst, M. Richthofen, Halland T7: Shchors T6: Budyonny PREMIUM SHIPS T9: Agir T8: Odin T6: Warspite, Graf Spee, Shinonome T5: Kirov, Oklahoma T3: Charleston T2: Diana L RESOURCES 75 Doubloons 72 870 Coal 5984 Steel 12 000 Research points 233 361 FreeXP 10 450 000 credits 17 Vacant slots CAPTAINS Yamamoto Isoroku William F. Halsey Jerzy Swirski Megatron Optimus Prime Bumblebee