World of Warcraft Legion Account 45 euros (EU)

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lemktos, 12/3/16.

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  1. Lemktos

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    I want to sell my account with World of Warcraft (+all expansions).

    On the account I have Human Paladin on 110 lvl with item level 871 (retribution spec-yes, I have Corrupted Ashbringer :D).

    My character is on Defias Brotherhood server.

    Accoun't hasn't been banned.

    Game time expires 12/12/2016.

    I want for it 45 euros but I'm open to negotiations.

    If you want armory or other informations write here or write Private Message.

    I'm the only and the original owner of this account.
    I have CD-keys for both: Battlechest and Legion expansion and I will send them to you with all account informations.​
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