Selling 83 Warlord Warlord includes: Axe lv 75 and 70 purple +18 with Intermediate,beginner,and basic power adv also blast run stone +17 Yellow armor set (with Ancient reseonance stone of Plant explosion) all stats is preserve except on legs is counter +16 orange armor set with STR and coordinated stats others melee weapon legend includes : +7 Fallen sword l 70, +16 Death Winged Aurora Axe lv 65 with 3 slots , but jst include 1 explosion stone +16 Death illusion Hammer lv 75 +16 with 3 slots includes explosion stones 8% crit damage +16 Accuracy Bahado with 3 slots others range weapon includes : Deadly Quill Bow lv 60 (yellow) Accuracy Chaos Agata (purple) lv 70 with 3 slots and attack stone Gun lv 75 (purple) with precision rune stone and attack rune stone Mount CBM : Glacial with stats Solid Boundary Costumes : 2H (STR +52) , Body (Warlord STR +20 ,Vit +8), Head (STR +26), Back (Wil +17) have 3 sprites, and all are good All Earth/Star/Moon Talents All masteries Maxed and have 322 points left for lv 90 masteries All Strength nucleus Critical Damage accessories and cape If you need more information skype me at JustGasoline or PM me Accepting PayPal