Selling  Wizard101 Powerleveling / Grinding services

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Boosting and Leveling - Buy Sell Trade' started by alingalusca, 4/5/21.

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  1. alingalusca

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    I am a wizhead with 6 max wizards that are well geared and ready to roll. I have nothing to do right now so I am willing to powerlevel or grind for you.

    There would be a requirement of providing membership code for me and having membership on your account.

    I take payments in Empowers, Crowns and $ ( Paypal ).

    If you are worried about your account you can setup a master password which will prevent my priviliges of changing any info.

    Wizard City: $3
    Krokotopia: $7
    Marleybone: $9
    Mooshu: $11
    Grizzleheim: $11
    Dragonspyre: $12
    Celestia: $12
    Zafaria: $14
    Avalon: $18
    Azteca: $25
    Khrysalis ( both parts ): $30
    Polaris: $10
    Mirage: $25
    Empyrea: $25
    Karamelle: $15

    From level 0 to 140 in an average of a 9 days ( can be done in 7 and sometimes in 8; depends on my sleeping habits ) for the price of 160$

    I can also farm gear and equipment ; Prices are negotaiable as it changes on what you have and what you want

    You can negotiate and contact me on discord 1PlaySafe#4618 or my friend Luis Fonsi#8802
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