Sold Wizard101 Max Fire, Death, Balance $40

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by b2oo1231, 11/28/16.

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  1. b2oo1231

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    Level 110, Krok Hat, Bonesmasher Robe, Mali Boots, and crit boots. Duelist fatal razor double pierce jewel and pip chance. Has a ward pet 15 total universal 15 storm 15 fire 15 death 10 myth(jewel). Damage pet has 9 total universal and 15 total death damage, may cast fairy. And has a stitched wand the death damage 11% one. Also has alpha and omega ring with pierce and ring with storm resist 17% storm resist and 60 block for ice fire and storm. The Rat amulet
    Level 110, Mali Robe, Mali Hat, Mali boots. Darkmoor athame double pierce Mali wand. Fire pet 8 fire damage 5 fire damage fire critical and 3 universal. Alpha and omega ring double pierce. The Rat amulet
    Full Mali gear, Mali wand 9 resist pet may cast fairy may cast shatter Mali amulet alpha and omega ring level 56
    I am looking for 40 dollars for this account amazon only, you must go first, if your interested contact me with skype -b2oo1231 or kik - benr.24

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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