Under Investigation Wiseguy

Discussion in 'Disputes - Caution / Under Investigation' started by Celebration959, 3/13/17.

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  1. Celebration959

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    How to Report a Dispute
    Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated.

    1. Date Dispute Happened
    Feb. 17th

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller
    I'm the Buyer

    3. Total Transaction Value
    Example: $250 CAD

    4. Other Parties Username

    5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment

    6. Other Parties Email Addresses
    [email protected]

    7. Other Parties Payment Email Address
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    8. Other Parties Messenger Username
    Line id : FIEZTA

    Chat history with FIEZTA
    Saved on: 2017/03/13 14:13

    24:15 Celebration959 Yo!
    24:15 FIEZTA Yo mate
    24:16 FIEZTA I was downloading kik lol
    24:16 Celebration959 So i probably only got like $150 CAD to spend
    24:16 Celebration959 Lol!
    24:16 Celebration959 Sry about that
    24:16 FIEZTA Its fine..
    24:16 FIEZTA I could give you the 77M for that most likely
    24:17 FIEZTA What payment method would you use tho?
    24:17 Celebration959 Aight. You got details?

    Meh. Paypal.
    24:17 Celebration959 What do you prefer
    24:18 FIEZTA I do indeed.. I am having some issues with Paypal.. but can you like buy a csgo item for me? For the same value or maybe a lil less?
    24:20 Celebration959 Not sure what a csgo item is. Sounds scetchy
    24:21 FIEZTA W/e was an item for a game, I will use Paypal/Skrill if you think that is scetchy even tho I got some small issues with Paypal
    24:22 Celebration959 Not sure what skrill is either :P

    We could do it through that site.
    24:24 Celebration959 Got details on the account?
    24:45 FIEZTA Yo sorry I was at work
    24:45 FIEZTA Yeah
    24:45 FIEZTA
    24:57 FIEZTA Take a look and let me know what you think
    6:50 Celebration959 What language is that? Whats the other account look like? I cant tell where the might is coming from.
    7:19 FIEZTA Hi. Is german. For the other account I will send you pics now.
    7:19 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:19 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:19 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:19 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:19 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:19 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA [Photo]
    7:20 FIEZTA Changed the language to english.
    7:39 Celebration959 How much for that one?
    7:39 FIEZTA Looking for $500
    7:50 Celebration959 Have you ever sold an account before?
    7:50 FIEZTA Of course
    7:51 Celebration959 Mmk. Im not familiar at all with the concept.

    So am i just buying you google email?
    7:52 FIEZTA You have Android or iOS?
    7:54 Celebration959 Android.
    7:54 FIEZTA Great. Me too
    7:54 FIEZTA I will link the account go a gmail account
    7:54 FIEZTA And I would give it to you
    8:00 Celebration959 Would you entertain 250 for the big account?
    8:00 FIEZTA That is kinda too low
    8:02 Celebration959 Understandable. I dont even know if i could scrounge that up.
    8:02 FIEZTA What method bte?
    8:02 Celebration959 But if you did 250 i would try and make it happen on friday & we could do and e transfer.
    8:03 FIEZTA I can take only Paypal/Skrill
    8:03 FIEZTA Or I can offer you the opportunity to buy maybe some codes or an item in order to get it cheaper (you can use your card)
    8:06 Celebration959 I can do paypal
    8:06 FIEZTA Cool. When?
    8:07 Celebration959 So $250? I will see if i can do it this friday. So tomorrow.
    8:08 FIEZTA Since this is a kinda low amount I could take it only if you would purchase an in game item for a game for $250 that I cannot, that would be kinda even since I want that and I cannot buy it.. but otherwise is too less
    8:09 Celebration959 Why cant you buy the item?
    8:10 FIEZTA My payment gets rejected for some reason.. so idk that would be a deal I could do for 250
    8:12 Celebration959 I will have to do some research and make sure that it is safe for me to do it that way. Couldnt we paypal and then just give the money to a friend to buy for you?
    8:13 FIEZTA Talking of safe.. I got over 240 feedbacks on Steam (40 pages)
    8:13 FIEZTA That is not possible now
    8:14 FIEZTA Could drop you a link with my profile w/e
    8:16 Celebration959 Do you still play lords? Whats your username? Ill shoot you a message on there. Thats a good start
    8:17 FIEZTA Yeah.. I won't waste much of my time with this mate, if its possible for you to do it, so be it, but I aint gonna waste myself to convince you when I could get double
    8:23 Celebration959 I understand that for sure. We still have a day before i have the money so.
    8:28 Celebration959 I found you on there :P
    8:28 Celebration959 But ya. Let me just do some research and ill get back to you asap.

    Paypal is still preferable.
    12:33 FIEZTA Our deal still up?
    12:42 Celebration959 Possibly. Im gonna be pretty broke. Maybe link me up to your steam account.
    12:42 FIEZTA Okay
    12:42 FIEZTA This is me
    12:42 FIEZTA Steam Community :: i dont care
    12:43 FIEZTA Add me if you want in order to confirm
    12:46 Celebration959 Do you have the gift option unlocked?

    12:47 FIEZTA I accepted you
    12:47 Celebration959 Noice!
    12:48 FIEZTA I even said Hello
    12:48 FIEZTA [Sticker]
    12:48 FIEZTA Yeah it does
    12:48 Celebration959 Whats the gems look like on the account
    12:49 FIEZTA Good enough..
    12:50 FIEZTA So do we have this deal sorted?
    12:50 FIEZTA Tomorrow you getting paid right?
    12:52 Celebration959 I get paid tomorrow yes but its not set in stone.
    12:52 Celebration959 If you have another buyer than let me know
    12:52 FIEZTA Nothing for now, probably will sell it to you if you want it
    12:59 Celebration959 Aight. Naturally i am somewhat nervous. Never bought a game account before ya know
    13:04 Celebration959 You got facebook?
    13:11 Celebration959 How many gems?
    How many speed ups?
    15:02 FIEZTA 3600 gems now
    15:03 Celebration959 What level is your trove? Anything invested in it?
    15:03 FIEZTA That was not worked so much
    15:03 FIEZTA Dont worry it will be okay, this account has potential esp if you keep it in good hands :
    15:04 Celebration959 Why selling?
    15:04 FIEZTA I am cashing out
    15:04 Celebration959 Cant blame ya there.
    15:05 Celebration959 Speed ups all gone too?
    15:05 FIEZTA Yeap well everything good must end at some point
    15:05 FIEZTA Speedups not so much tho, like a lot of 1m, 15 ish 5m, and like 1 or 2 30m and thats it
    15:06 Celebration959 :-/ does your guild know you are selling?
    15:06 FIEZTA I told them i will retire soon
    15:06 FIEZTA And if you choose to sit in the guild they wont kick you for sure
    15:06 Celebration959 Nice!!
    15:07 FIEZTA So I kinda need to go and sleep some
    15:07 FIEZTA When you get your cash mate, I will be in touch to finish it..
    15:08 FIEZTA Have a good night/day
    15:08 Celebration959 Kk. We need to get a solid payment plan. But if you will drop the price another $50. I will gaurentee we will make something happen tomorrow
    15:08 FIEZTA See ya then
    15:08 Celebration959 Lol. Whoa whoa.
    15:09 Celebration959 I didnt mean to offend. We just need to figure out the details before i can guarentee. Ya know? I was just saying if you drop the price I'll stop being so nervous/picky
    15:11 Celebration959 :-/
    15:29 Celebration959 How much guild coin do you have.
    15:30 Celebration959 Any migration scrolls?
    15:52 FIEZTA One mig scroll
    15:52 FIEZTA I was not offended at all
    15:52 Celebration959 Decent! Ya i miss took that :P
    15:53 FIEZTA I just cannot sleep
    15:53 FIEZTA For some reason..
    15:53 Celebration959 You got facebook?

    Lol. That sucks bro. Ive been the same way but. I am addicted to this damn lords game
    15:54 Celebration959 Up till midnight playing. Then get up at 5am
    15:54 FIEZTA I do. Yeah, nervous to finish this aswell. I was in big need of money so whatever
    15:57 Celebration959 It wil probably be nice. This takes so much commitment
    15:59 Celebration959 Wanna add me on facebook till this deal is done? How we gonna transfer cash?
    16:00 Celebration959 Ive done deals where i send the e transfer but dont send the password until i have the product.

    That worked out alright but doesnt make it safer for you per say
    16:00 FIEZTA Brb asap
    16:03 Celebration959 Kk
    16:08 FIEZTA I am here once again
    16:10 Celebration959 Noice. Facebook
    16:22 FIEZTA I am tired again... talk tomorrow mate
    16:46 Celebration959 Have a good sleep!
    23:31 FIEZTA Yo matw
    23:31 FIEZTA Mate*
    23:31 FIEZTA Have you got paid yet?

    4:14 Celebration959 4am here ill get back to ya
    7:08 FIEZTA Sure..
    7:08 FIEZTA You got your money I guess? Thats great.. lol
    8:06 Celebration959 I got paid yep! So how we gonna do this? Can i take the account for a test drive before i send money? Lol
    8:28 FIEZTA That is kinda a lot to ask
    8:28 FIEZTA I will have to link it to either FB or Gmail
    8:28 FIEZTA To one you want me to or a fake one
    8:29 Celebration959 You got that right. I will have to start a new email. I already have 4.
    8:29 FIEZTA Just 4? Haha
    8:35 FIEZTA Let me know when you have the email ready or the FB whatever you want
    8:36 FIEZTA But I will link it only after I get my stuff
    8:37 Celebration959 So how do i pay and can i "test drive" i dont know how to do this safely.
    8:38 Celebration959 We could do e transcefer and once i test drive ill send you the password.
    8:38 FIEZTA I have not done e transfer before and I wont
    8:39 FIEZTA And there is no test drive mate
    8:39 FIEZTA Cause once linked is gone
    8:39 Celebration959 I get that forsure. It would just be a show of faith on your part.
    8:40 Celebration959 I got the money and i lnow i will semd it. I dont know for sure what account you are going to give me.
    8:41 FIEZTA I am a man of word, but I will not get played man
    8:41 FIEZTA We can do Paypal
    8:42 Celebration959 Kk. So $250CAD? what time is it there?
    8:45 Celebration959 Just linked my bank account to my paypal.
    8:48 FIEZTA 5 45 PM
    8:48 FIEZTA Great
    8:50 Celebration959 Are you going to send me an invoice? Thats the only was paypal will back me
    8:51 Celebration959 [email protected]
    8:51 FIEZTA I can take payments as told as Family and friends
    8:55 Celebration959 I dont believe paypal will have my back if i just send you money.
    8:57 Celebration959 Add me on facebook?
    8:57 Celebration959 [Photo]
    8:58 FIEZTA Great bio mate
    8:58 FIEZTA
    9:01 Celebration959 Lol. Try searching joe.todd.583
    9:17 Celebration959 Eh
    9:20 FIEZTA Why is this really required? I do not use Facebook honestly
    9:20 FIEZTA Thus I didn't even link it and stuff
    9:26 FIEZTA PayPal good..?
    9:27 Celebration959 Paypal wont back me unless you send an invoice
    9:34 Celebration959 Right?
    9:38 FIEZTA They can
    9:41 FIEZTA Refund you from all the methods
    9:42 FIEZTA Especially if you pay with your Bank
    9:43 Celebration959 Im just googling it quick
    9:50 Celebration959 It doesnt look like they will.

    Why cant you send an invoice?
    9:50 Celebration959 PayPal Security - Purchase & Seller Protection - PayPal CA
    9:51 Celebration959 I'll pay the fees if thats the problem.

    We could also go through that website..
    9:53 FIEZTA Because invoices and other methods can be abused
    9:54 FIEZTA Family and friends can be refunded too but is not shown probably so people won't spam it whatever
    10:03 Celebration959 We gotta do this properly. I cant afford to lose $250. If you dont want to use an invoice then we can do e transfer.
    10:05 FIEZTA I see, as I told you, I am a reputable seller, however, i I will not use any of them because I am not protected.. thats a shame to rip it here
    10:05 Celebration959 If you send an invoice we are both protected.
    10:06 Celebration959 You have a good steam account. Lots of reviews. But the no facebook & not willing to use paypal properly is a conern.
    10:07 Celebration959 Your concern is that i will dispute your account?
    10:08 Celebration959 Invoice is the safest & smartest way.
    10:09 Celebration959 Or their is the middle man thing on that site. Im not familiar with that service though
    10:10 Celebration959 You get where im coming from right? Would you buy an account through a freinds & family payment?
    10:17 Celebration959 Paypal is safe bro
    10:19 Celebration959 :)\)
    10:30 FIEZTA I would
    10:31 FIEZTA Because I can phone my bank and cancel it
    10:31 FIEZTA And what you suggesting me will require extra time
    10:32 Celebration959 You would what?
    10:32 FIEZTA I have not taken any other payment so far than family and friends, if I do it it would trigger that thingy that will make my account to wait 21 days before money will be stoped from being placed on pending
    10:32 Celebration959 Damn it. I wish this was safe.
    10:33 FIEZTA Well that is your choice which is fine
    10:33 FIEZTA But I dont think you can find a similar account to this
    10:40 Celebration959 So i got your word? Your not going to rip me off?
    10:50 Celebration959 Whats you email?
    10:50 FIEZTA I am not looking for that mate.. I am an experienced and trusted seller .. gimme 2m
    10:50 FIEZTA I am busy atm
    10:51 FIEZTA Also I can dinstinguish all types of payments
    10:51 Celebration959 Lol. I know. You are playing counter strike.
    10:57 FIEZTA I will use my romanian Paypal hope its gonna be alright
    11:13 Celebration959 I think so.....
    11:14 Celebration959 Lets do the final transaction when you are not busy because i am hella nervous and every second after i send the money i am going to be sweating balls
    11:14 FIEZTA Jeez..
    11:14 FIEZTA Lol
    11:27 FIEZTA I am gonna be ready soon
    11:27 FIEZTA Prepare your body for the almighty power of a 135M account
    11:27 Celebration959 Lol. Right
    11:33 Celebration959 [email protected]

    11:54 FIEZTA Game is done
    11:54 FIEZTA Taking a look at my Paypal and this will be happening
    11:58 FIEZTA I think is all good
    11:59 FIEZTA That is the gmail you want me to link it after I would get my payment and stuff?
    12:00 FIEZTA Is it with the sensitive letter
    12:01 Celebration959 Shouldnt be case sensitive
    12:01 FIEZTA I will try it with both at that time
    12:01 Celebration959 iatn.iamthenight
    12:02 FIEZTA Ready to proceed to the payment?
    12:03 Celebration959 Yes sir
    12:03 FIEZTA Hope this is gonna work.. via family and friends
    12:03 FIEZTA My email is [email protected]
    12:04 FIEZTA [email protected]
    12:04 FIEZTA My bad
    12:04 FIEZTA Bro you see it right?
    12:05 Celebration959 Lol. Almost sent it to the wrong one
    12:05 FIEZTA Mah bad once again
    12:05 FIEZTA Was gonna call you
    12:06 Celebration959 Whats your igg id #?
    12:06 Celebration959 I am going to put that in the comments
    12:07 FIEZTA Does it really matter now? Lol. Just put in the name Darklaw LM 135M T4 account
    12:09 Celebration959 Sent
    12:10 FIEZTA I got it
    12:11 Celebration959 Noice!
    12:11 FIEZTA Nais indeed. Now let me go and take a look at your gmail
    12:11 Celebration959 Kk
    12:21 Celebration959 How ya making out?
    12:23 FIEZTA Its done almost
    12:30 FIEZTA Sorry
    12:35 Celebration959 What up?
    12:37 Celebration959 Is it working....
    12:37 Celebration959 :-/
    12:38 Celebration959 (sweat)
    12:42 Celebration959 ??
    12:45 Celebration959 Bro
    12:50 Celebration959 [Sticker]
    12:51 Celebration959 :(
    12:56 Celebration959 Canceled call
    12:58 Celebration959 Dude?
    13:01 Celebration959 Dude
    13:02 Celebration959 Dude
    13:03 Celebration959 Dude
    13:04 Celebration959 Dude
    13:07 Celebration959 Dude!!!!!!!!
    13:08 Celebration959 Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    13:08 Celebration959 Canceled call
    13:10 Celebration959 Canceled call
    13:10 Celebration959 Dont do this man
    13:12 Celebration959 Dude
    13:13 Celebration959 I cant
    13:14 Celebration959 Dude
    13:16 Celebration959 Please
    13:16 Celebration959 Canceled call
    13:21 Celebration959 Canceled call
    13:21 Celebration959 Atleast ******* tell me
    13:31 Celebration959 You ******* piece of love you. Im coming after everything
    13:45 Celebration959 Canceled call
    14:05 Celebration959 Steam Community :: i dont care
    14:17 Celebration959 Canceled call
    14:18 Celebration959 Canceled call
    14:19 Celebration959 Canceled call
    14:26 Celebration959 You are something else man
    14:31 Celebration959 The person you called didn't pick up.
    14:31 Celebration959 Canceled call
    15:01 Celebration959 Pos
    15:09 Celebration959 Pos
    15:58 Celebration959 Pos
    16:37 Celebration959 Pos
    16:38 Celebration959 The person you called didn't pick up.
    17:32 Celebration959 Pos
    18:42 Celebration959 Like really. Why.

    5:49 Celebration959 Pos
    5:50 Celebration959 Pos
    20:46 Celebration959 Steam has been notified.
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  2. samsaha86

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    Premium Status: This user has a Premier Sellers Account Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Devoted Status: This user is a devoted member who helps other members Expert Status: This user is an established expert in the gaming industry ImLegit Status: This user has shown that they're a legitimate merchant Secure Status: This user has shown he is a secure merchant Trusted Status: This user is a trusted member Veteran Status: This user is a veteran experienced member Sapphire Status: This user has successfully completed 300+ middleman transactions Moderator Status (Non Employee): This account handles basic community support inquiries

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    @Wiseguy this dispute is against you.
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    Please immediately open a dispute in PayPal.
  4. Admin

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    How can you protect yourself from these type of scams in the future?
    I strongly recommend in the future to use PlayerUp Middleman Services to protect yourself from these type of scams. Here is how it works for buyers (Buyers Guide) and here is how it works for sellers (Sellers Guide).

    Is there anything we can do to assist you still with this dispute?
    Please read this guide (Guide - Combat Fraud Service). All we need is the scammers full name and address and we can assist you further.

  5. OP

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    Thank you
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