Willing to sell Account Best Primes only $100 Plat 55 Creds 286,160 Rank 7 (Ready to rank up) Warframes Rhino Prime 30 Frost Prime 30 Inaros 30 Hydroid 30 Vauban 30 Mesa 30 Nekros 30 Oberon 30 Volt 30 Nyx 0 Excalibur 0 Ember 6 Rare Mods (Here is the beef! more tan 400+P in here Buzzkill Mod!) Maxed Acelerated Blast Armored Agility Blaze Buzzkill Crimson Devrish Continuity Despoil Decisive Judgement Energy Channel Fleeting Expertise Flow Focus Energy Frosbite Jagged Edge Mater Thief Lethal # Overextended Perpetual Vortex Pilfering Swarm Pistol Pestilence Rime Rounds Scattered Justice Shred Split Chamber Streamline Vital sense Over other 42 unmaxed Rare Mods (Intensify and Heavy Caliber Among them) Primary Weapons maxed Soma Prime Latron Wraith Mutalist Cernos Hek (This is my baby I love her) Tonkor Vectis Secondary weapons maxed Vasto Prime Lex Prime Dex Furis Melee weapons Maxed Nikana Prime Bo Prime Broken War Focus Clan Naramon Maxed Sentinel Carrier Prime And a lot of other stuff email me at [email protected] im just asking $150 which I think is a bargain regarding the rare stuff that I pliled specially the Mods. Also this account has a Dakra Prime set ready to forge but it can sell for 100-150p so I have left it lying around. Had fun in warframe now a baby is on the way (probably Grineer) so I have to leave the Tenno Universe.
Very interested, I would like to view the account in further detail though. PM me or respond here and we can get this process going