What to put in ebook?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by MrSurvivor, 3/25/17.

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  1. MrSurvivor

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    Okay, so I'm planning to make an ebook on (something) related to SEing, aka SEing a certain product.

    What should I put in there?
    I already have:
    -How to get serial numbers
    -General instructions on what to say, where to say
    -Responses and how to respond
    -Excuses to make for why you're contacting support
    -How to sound more legit
    -Logs of the entire SE

    What else should I put if I want to make the ebook as good as possible?

    P.S. can anyone read white bold ubuntu font on cyan, or is it hard to read
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