What can be price of my account?

Discussion in 'Fortnite Other Accounts | FN Accounts Sale' started by /u/t1motancar, 2/25/25.

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  1. /u/t1motancar

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    Hi guys, im retired fortnite player and remembered i have some good skins in my fornite account. I pre-ordered the highest bundle of STW for 150€ before battle royale was even existing. I got season 1 battlepass (but only knights, no dark knight i havent played much), and from season 2-9 full battle passes + some skins like the red nvidia guy or the 5€ bundles.

    How much do you think I could ask for this account? And is there possibility to even sell it ? :D

    # #/t1motancar
    . .
    #1 /u/t1motancar, 2/25/25
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/1/25 at 4:18 PM
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