Selling  [Whaled] KOG acc w/ meta and competitive rogue decks, full playsets of meta stuff

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Diarwulf, 1/26/22.

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  1. Diarwulf

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    The account was dedicated to ranked/competitive play, however, it does have playsets of even uncompetitive/fun decks as well. I'm moving over to Master Duel and just lost interest in Duel Links over time, so getting rid of the account because it mainly was just an obligation to get the account to KoG when not swamped with school.

    The account still has only 150 gems, 1x UR, 1x SR tickets, and max Skill Chips to it, however, there are still plenty of characters and gems and mission rewards to claim to farm more gems and has plenty of cards in the collection necessary to compete in ranked or just do missions. If you have inquiries or questions about the account or details about the collection or the account itself, add me and message me on Discord @ Direwolf#7379

    The following are highlights of the card collection (Timestamp included in image):
    Full staple playsets:
    - 3x Archfiend Eccentrick
    - 3x Crane Crane
    - 3x Rescue Hamster
    - 3x Rescue Rabbit
    - 3x Chaos Hunter
    - 3x Lava Golem
    - 3x Block Dragon
    - 3x Cockadoodledoo
    - 3x Arcana Force XIV Temperance
    - 2x Kiteroid
    - 3x Psi-Reflector
    - 3x Plaguespreader Zombie
    - 3x Chaos Sorcerer
    - 3x Doppelwarrior
    - 3x Spirit of the Fall Wind
    - 1x Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation
    - 1x Thunder End Dragon
    - 1x Dark Strike Fighter
    - 1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
    - 1x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist Tiger King
    - 1x Heroic Champion Excalibur
    - 1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
    - 1x Bahamut Shark
    - 1x Abyss Dweller
    - 1x Nightmare Shark
    - 1x Constellar Ptolemy M7
    - 1x Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
    - 2x Gear Gigant X
    - 3x Leviair the Sea Dragon
    - 1x Zubaba General
    - 1x Gagaga Cowboy
    - 3x Coral Dragon
    - 3x Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
    - 2x Stardust Spark Dragon
    - 2x Shiranui Squiresaga
    - 1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
    - 1x Black Rose Dragon
    - 3x Red Dragon Archfiend
    - 1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
    - 3x Armades, Keeper of Boundaries
    - 6x Stardust Dragon (3x alt art, 3x default art)
    - 3x Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer
    - 1x Infernity Doom Archfiend
    - 3x Tatsunoko
    - 2x Ebon Illusion Magician
    - 1x Gorgonic Guardian
    - 1x Ally of Justice Catastor
    - 2x Armory Arm
    - 3x Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
    - 1x Ghostrick Alucard
    - 1x Number 70: Malevolent Sin
    - 1x Photon Strike Bounzer
    - 1x Steelswarm Roach
    - 2x Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
    - 3x Sylvan Princessprite
    - 2x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
    - 3x Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
    - 1x Diamond Dire Wolf
    - 1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
    - 3x Wind-Up Zenmaines
    - 1x Vulcan the Divine
    - 1x Dark End Dragon
    - 1x Star Eater
    - 3x Stardust Charge Warrior
    - 1x Powered Inzektron
    - 1x HTS Psyhemuth
    SPELLS ~
    - 3x Book of Moon
    - 3x Necrovalley
    - 3x Dark World Dealings
    - 3x Cosmic Cyclone
    - 3x Mystical Space Typhoon
    - 3x Galaxy Cyclone
    - 3x Fire Formation Tenki
    - 3x Forbidden Dress
    - 3x Cards of Consonance
    - 3x Gemini Spark
    - 3x Dark World Lightning
    - 2x Gold Sarcophagus
    - 3x Hammer Shot
    - 3x Onslaught of the Fire Kings
    - 3x Sky Striker Maneuver - Jamming Waves!
    - 3x Burial From a Different Dimension
    - 2x Concentrating Current
    - 2x Enemy Controller
    - 3x Dark Factory of Mass Production
    - 3x Offerings to the Doomed
    - 3x Zombie World
    - 3x Silent Graveyard
    - 3x Circle of the Fire Kings
    TRAPS ~
    - 3x Ballista Squad
    - 3x Drowning Mirror Force
    - 3x Paleozoic Canadia
    - 3x Fish Depth Charge
    - 3x Mirror Wall
    - 3x Fuhma Wave
    - 3x Oasis of Dragon Souls
    - 3x Trap Hole
    - 3x Counter Gate
    - 3x Necro Fusion
    - 3x Survival's End
    - 3x Network Trap Hole
    - 3x Unending Nightmare
    - 3x Fusion Reserve
    - 3x Powerful Rebirth
    - 2x Pulse Mines
    - 3x Impenetrable Attack
    - 3x Solemn Scolding
    - 3x Typhoon
    - 3x Legacy of Yata Garasu
    - 3x DNA Surgery
    - 1x Champion's Vigilance
    - 2x Treacherous Trap Hole

    Included archetypes/decks completed (some near-complete):
    - Magnet Warriors
    - Gaia
    - Melodious
    - Infernity
    - Blue-Eyes
    - Noble Knights
    - Lunalights
    - D/D/D (pendulum and combo both, used combo to hit KoG)
    - Cyber Dragon (used to hit KoG too)
    - Destiny Heroes
    - Heroes
    - Dark Magician
    - Yosenju
    - Thunder Dragons
    - Six Samurai
    - Ritual Beasts
    - Red-Eyes
    - Crystal Beasts
    - Nekroz
    - Spellbook
    - Igknight
    - Dark World
    - Wind-Up
    - Prediction Princess
    - Orcust
    - Triamid
    - Megalith
    - Gadgets
    - Invoked
    - Elementsaber
    - Gravekeeper
    - Demise & Ruin Rituals
    - The Weather Painters
    - Darklord (excluding Banishment of the Darklords)
    Selling.PNG Selling 2.PNG
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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