Selling  Asia  Android and iOS Whale WOTB account, estimated value 500 only 220 Price is #. Asia server.

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by Wotbepicness, 2/1/20.

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  1. Wotbepicness

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    The account is mainly premiums.

    some highlights include
    -Chieftan Mk.6 (royal camo)
    -Wz-120-1 FT (op)
    -Skorpion G
    -T22 Medium (with camo)
    -T95E6 (rarest X tank in the game)

    Other premiums include
    -AMX 30 B tier X
    -M4A1 Rev tier VIII
    -121B tier X
    -Wz-112-2 tier VIII
    -Helsing tier VII
    -Angry Conner tier V
    -M6A2E2 EXP tier VIII
    -IS-3 Defender tier VIII
    -Gravedigger tier VII
    -Chrysler K Tier VIII
    -Löwe tier VIII
    -Tankenstein tier VII
    -Vindicator UM tier VII
    -AMX 30 1er prot tier IX
    -FCM 50 T tier VIII
    -AMX M4 49 tier VIII
    -T-34-3 tier VIII
    -Type 59 tier VIII
    -AMX CDC tier VIII
    -Lorraine 40 t tier VIII
    -Nightmare tier V
    -Cromwell B tier VI
    -T26E4 tier VIII
    -T34 tier VIII
    -T54 mod 1 tier VIII
    -Lycan tier VII
    -AMX 13 57 tier VII
    -IS-2Sh tier VIII
    -T-44-100 tier VIII
    -panzer 58 tier VIII
    -E 25 tier VII
    -type 64 tier VI

    Some tech tree tanks include
    -Stug III G tier V
    -M5 Stuart tier III

    For photos send an Email to
    [email protected]

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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