Sold Whale account with almost all valkyries at lv 79 $500

Discussion in 'Honkai Impact Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EzraP, 2/15/19.

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  1. EzraP

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    I am selling my account that I have had since the game was released in North America because I also have other games that I play, and Honkai Impact is just taking too much of my time. I have gotten all the event stigmatas, weapons, and costumes so far, I've bought a few costumes (the ones I liked), and I have spent over $2000 to get most of the valkyries that have been released in the North America server. If you are interested, you can message using my discord, Ezra#9728. I am asking for no less than $600, so you should not contact me if you are trying to get the account for less than that. I recommend using middleman since I am asking for $600.

    I will list all of the valkyries I have and anything that I think is important to know.

    SSS valkyries
    Snowy Sniper (3 additional costumes, Nightfall Witch included)

    SS valkyries
    Valkyrie Pledge (176 fragments)
    Divine Player (99 fragments)
    Gyakushinn Miko (314 fragments + frozen sakura costume)
    Valkyrie Chariot
    Yamabuki Armor (Candy Demon costume)
    Valkyrie Triumph
    Scarlet Fusion
    Night Square
    Wolf's Dawn
    Flame Sakitama

    S valkyries
    Knight Moonbeam (97 fragments)
    Goushinnso Memento (74 fragments + Blooming Maiko costume)
    Dimension Breaker ( 47 fragments)
    Black Nucleus
    Sixth Serenade
    Ritual Imayoh
    White Comet
    Crimson Impulse
    Shadow Dash
    Valkyries Bladestrike
    Lightning Empress
    Battle Storm
    Sakuno Rondo (Magical Teriri costume)
    Celestial Hymn
    Valkyrie Accipiter
    Shadow Knight
    Valkyrie Ranger

    A valkyries

    Valkyries I don't have
    Blood Rose
    Violet Executer
    Herrscher of the Void

    Maxed Gacha Weapons
    Hyper Railguns
    Ice Epiphyllum
    Oath of Juda
    Hand of Tyr
    Skoll and Hati

    Non-Maxed Gacha Weapons
    11th Sacred Relic (Almost maxed)
    Jizo Mitama
    5th Sacred Relic
    Sakura Blossom
    2nd Sacred Relic
    3rd Sacred Relic
    Star Destroyer 19C
    Tranquil Arias
    Demonblade - Florid Sakura
    Skoll and Hati ( there is a maxed copy, too)

    Maxed Gacha Stigmata
    Shakespeare (T) (B)
    Ekaterina (M)
    Schrodinger (T) X 2
    Planck (M)
    Lier Scarlet (T)
    Mei: Beach Party (M)
    Sin Mal (B)
    Otto Apocalypse (B)
    Kallen - Hymn (T)

    Non-Maxed Gacha Stigmata
    Cleopatra (M) (B)
    Nohime (B)
    Jixunyuan (T)
    Shakespeare (M)
    Ekaterina (M) (B)
    Fuxi (T)
    Schrodinger (B)
    Dracula (M)
    Michelangelo (M)
    Tesla Band (M)

    That is pretty much all that is worth mentioning that is not obtained from events. I can share pics of everything I listed here, but you need to contact me using discord since it is easier for me to share pics there.
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