Over 200 5stars, 300k hero feathers stock piled, multiple super merged units, never dropped out of tier 20, always top 1k arena assault (even on terrible weekly scores), and best of allllll..... 800 saved f2p orbs. Been saving since bunny units - 100%f2p orbs. Ask for pictures if interested.
Sorry man. 50 bucks hardly mitigates what I've spent on the game, and even 140 orbs are worth 75 bucks.
Hello! I am interested in buying your account, however, I would like to see some images first. If you could send those to me that would be awesome! discord: Sags#2328 skype: flame.z3 twitter: @hugafug
Ignore this post and the one before. Dunno how to delete or upload images it seems. Scroll down for links to the pictures.
https://pli.io/NZfNG.jpg https://pli.io/NZ9iU.jpg https://pli.io/NZkKp.jpg https://pli.io/NZUO8.jpg https://pli.io/NZnEY.jpg https://pli.io/NZqpb.jpg https://pli.io/NZirM.jpg https://pli.io/NZlzs.jpg https://pli.io/NjmCH.jpg https://pli.io/Nj2Dt.jpg https://pli.io/NjtNQ.jpg https://pli.io/Nj5l7.jpg https://pli.io/NjLOl.jpg Each individual one. Scroll down for link to full album.