Selling  Android and iOS  High End WHALE ACCOUNT LVL 63 WITH ALL 12 UNIQUE + DUPES 6* AND MOST 5*S

Discussion in 'Arknights Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Exodiax, 3/13/20.

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  1. Exodiax

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    Hi guys, lacking too much time to play multiple games so I am letting go of my arkknights account. I put alot of time into this account but it's not fun anymore.
    The account has been blessed by rng with all the 6*s currently available in the game, including Ch'en!

    The main 3 heroes Eyjaf, Exusiai and Ash are already elite 2 and there is plenty of materials to work towards the 4th one.
    The account also got the pizzeria and Ch'en's office for the dorms.

    All farm spots are doable on auto deploy but story 5 and challenge modes have not be completed.
    The account is unlinked and I can link it to any gmail u like after the purchase, so you'll get full control of the account.

    Looking for $450 but #.
    I accept only PayPal family & friends payment.
    For further questions u can contact me on Discord at Exodiax0#2501

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