Sold Whale Account Alert! 875K Collection Power. 102 Toons Unlocked, 63K Highest Rated Team

Discussion in 'Looney Tunes World of Mayhem Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell LTWoH' started by BurningBrightly, 8/19/19.

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  1. BurningBrightly

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    Real life is getting too crazy for me to have time to play this game anymore, so I'm posting it here for sale. Lucky you! So what will you be getting? Well, everything!

    • Level 59 (Highest player level currently available)
    • 102 Toons unlocked (including OG Marvin; all that's possible for an Android player, save Showbiz Bugs [he sucks anyway], an iOS exclusive)
    • 1st Place Disintegrator League position (this will guarantee you 30 King Bugs pieces and other top, 1st place rewards, all daily sent to your inbox)
    • 875K Collection Power (easily one of the highest in the game; probably Top 10 globally)
    • Four Defensive Teams for guarding crates averaging 57k (nobody but the top 1% will be able to steal your crates)
    • All Campaign Chapters (so far) unlocked and beaten
    • Hundreds of Superior and Rare ranking materials for tuning-up toons; thousands of common ranking materials (Fine Dynamite and R&D rank ups are the only roadblocks and those can be easily obtained in crates and R&D events, which can also be easily won with the toons on the roster)

    Toon Rankings are as follows:

    7.7 Stars (meaning max ranked):

    OG Daffy, Valkyrie Bugs, OG Gossamer, K'Chutha Sa'am, Vampire Ralph, Leopold, She-Devil, Scrooge Sam, Dr. Dawgstein, OG Witch Hazel, Pepe Le Bard, Elf Daffy, Wildcard Wolf, Chamberlain Porky, Masked Avenger, Outlaw Sylvester, Outlaw Foghorn, Royal Page Coyote

    7.6 Stars:

    Siegfried Elmer, OG Sylvester, OG Granny, Rocket Sylvester, Western Type Hero, Joe Monday

    7.5 Stars:

    Lunar Petunia, OG Wile E. Coyote, Cowgirl Granny, Farmer Porky

    7.4 Stars:

    OG Foghorn, OG Porky, Scout Foghorn

    7.3 Stars:

    Merlin Sam, Penelope Couture, Bellboy Daffy, Handmaiden Granny

    7 to 7.2 Stars:

    OG Henery Hawk, Monster Foghorn, Desperado Dawg, Grand Duke Sylvester, OG Bugs Bunny, Friar Porky, King Bugs, Queso Bandito, OG Speedy Gonzalez, OG Hector, OG Elmer Fudd, Daffy Hood, Marvin Fudd, Salesman Daffy, Chef Porky, Hunter Yosemite Sam, Photo Sylvester, Sheriff Porky, Officer Yosemite, Officer Hector, Witch Lezah, Settler Granny, Waiter Elmer, Farmer Hector

    Max Tuned:

    Siegfried Elmer, OG Foghorn, OG Daffy, OG Gossamer, Valkyrie Bugs, K'Chutha Sa'am, OG Sylvester, OG Granny, Vampire Ralph, Leopold, Merlin Sam, OG Porky, Scrooge Sam, Henery Hawk, Monster Foghorn, Pepe Le Bard, OG Road Runner

    Most of the remaining top toons are 25 or higher, tuning-wise.

    I'll come back and update this page once the event is over, but it also looks like I'll have between 2300-2800 Hippety Hopper pieces, the first ever Legendary toon in the world of Mayhem. Stay tuned on that.

    I'd have to estimate that about $4,000 USD has been spent so far, so if you're looking to get the best account out there on the market for a steal, then hit me up and we'll get you dominating the leaderboards in no time.
    #1 BurningBrightly, 8/19/19
    Last edited: 8/19/19
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