172 Million Power 140k Gold Infantry Gear half Raiders half Daly's with my Hero Combination an infantry attack around 844 Hero: Patrick (6 star lvl 46) Jane (5 star lvl 44) Josef (5 star lvl 44) Samual (4 star lvl 44) Davies (3 star lvl 36) all others unlocked and boosted Gear: Full set Enforcer gear Full set Tribal gear (beginning set) Full set Alvord's gear (beginning set) Colonel Swifts Jacket and Hat nice construction and research gear tons of stone wood food and iron packs Items: 3.2 million Revival Spells troop boosts, research boosts, 2nd Queue's to many others to list Speedup: Way to many to list (thousands) VIP: VIP 19 (34,400/197,200) Troop count: 8,403,295 1 million of those are t4 Sheriff: lvl 58 Town center/command center 22 https://www.playerup.com/middleman/?page_id=5&form=cart&p_key=10724822_78189