Sold Wellbuilded Legendary 1

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by owoss, 8/27/24.

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  1. owoss

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    My Location:
    MR Legendary 1 (574/725) - PC
    450 Daily login with primed sure footed.
    Platinum 500+
    Credits 29m+

    Relay Bless Available.
    Cross Save Avalaible.

    Rare Sahasa bulky lotus, very big and smeeta tuffed peaceok, with imprint intanct.
    Heirloom X, glyph, profile only, no frost or mag cosmetic.

    Prime warframe available to use with decent builds for spesific mission like Eidolon,Profit Taker, exter, archon, spy, steel path, etc. 37/43.
    Weapons available to use decent builds and some incarnon avalaible.
    All syndicate include Ventkids.
    Helminth 63/69.
    Star Charts 243/247 Explored.
    All railjack intrinsics 10/10.
    All Drifter intrinsics 10/10
    Tons of Resource including Forma, Umbra, Arcane, Railjack resource, Eidolon shards, Toroids, Debt Bonds, duplicate mods, some archon shards include on build, Etc.
    (some relic, ayatan sculpture)

    800+ Tridolon Captures.
    All AMPs available and ready to use (including 1-7-7 and 7-7-7 and 747 for circuit).
    All focus schools maxed out.

    Tons of rivens (48/69). (Rubico CC CD MS -1, Zenith, felarx, stat stick, etc)
    Some cosmetics including prime, deluxes, syandanas, attachments, etc.

    For Gilded item needed for mastery i think already done, like robotic, companion, zaw, amp, etc.

    Discord: owosssO


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