Well got in for about 2 min and guess what happened sync..... Those retards don't know when to stop do they ?
yes, noobs do it that's why i do it too, i don't wanna be disadvantaged relative themto. And it give us an occasion to their deep to gloft
i beat full epic dps war/archer/sin with my tank spec n full blue gear...Whats the point of duping when u cant even win with what you have duped
Equip don't make a good player. A good player got skill. So how you want to get disadvantaged? You're not smarter, because you wear glasses, right?
the glitchers arnt necessary bad, then a good player who glitch will be advantaged than you .. no need to be a light for see that
If I had the choice, between a full T1 Pietro dps and an full T2 dps, who I don't know, I would always prefer Pietro, cause I know that you're an great dps. That's the point I think the most ppl know, that I'm a good Tank and an useful Heal too. I don't care bout noobs, who got their Eq with glitching. It matters, what the ppl know bout you
Oh, thanks really nice from you ! But .hm.. don't know how to say it in english, can't express correctly. Gloft fck us about prices, (...) then dub all these items, are my little revange