Sold Web Development Web Designer [ Fast Delivering ]

Discussion in 'Web Design Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by MrDan, 4/21/23.

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  1. MrDan

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    I am a Full Stack Web Developer & Web Designer.

    I incorporate good design into everything I build. Not only having a beautiful UI, but also providing semantic and optimized code. With 1+ year full of stack experience, I can handle almost any problem.

    In my projects you will be able to see: readable and optimized code in each element + responsive browsing for any device.

    I am trying to keep the price very affordable. Starting from 6$ for a simple website ( 2-4 pages, a small...

    Web Development & Web Designer [ Fast Delivering ]
    #1 MrDan, 4/21/23
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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