Selling  We sell Google Developer Accounts. Our accounts are NOT like all the others!!!

Discussion in 'Google Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by martinbvc, 10/13/23.

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  1. martinbvc

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    We sell Google Developer Accounts. Our accounts are NOT like all the others!!!

    - We do not make those accounts. They are made from real people in different industries in different countries and they make an account ONLY ONCE!

    - We do not have those accounts in stock. Due to the nature of the way we source them, the accounts need to be pre-ordered.

    - All accounts we supply abide by these rules: One real human being with a real credit card, makes the purchase (ONLY ONCE...we never use the same person again), using a his/her real PC/Smartphone (no VPNs or such) with a real phone number! These are real people, doing this the real way and only once!

    The accounts are not cheap. $300/each. Due to the way they are made, we can supply no more than 20, maybe 25 a month.

    These accounts last and unless you screw up something, there is no way Google Inc/Alphabet Inc can ever link these accounts to you!
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