War Commander Rouge Assault LvL:81 base with a lvl:6 & lvl:7 heavy platforms. Maxed current units for FOB lvl:10 (Mastiff, Kodiak & Reaver). 3 x Elite mega units, Maxed Trident, Valkyrie, Overlord and the most recently introduced SHRIKE (Maxed) and ARTEMIS (Not Maxed) unit. Currently in Top 10 alliance with Maxed tech tree Current offense units can defeat most fully maxed bases in the game ALL CURRENT UNITS: (Note) all the new units are at the highest standards with most of it's equipments maxed with tech, making them very powerful. Especially with Platoon damage boost active for Warzone & PvP Quick Match. * Top Heavy Vehicle units: - lvl:15 Overlord (Elite mega unit) - lvl:15 Paladin (Elite unit) - lvl:13 Centurion (Elite unit) - lvl:10 Mastiff (Maxed on tech) - lvl:4 Artemis (NEW) * Top Light Vehicle units: - lvl:15 Trident (Elite mega unit) - lvl:15 Kodiak (Elite unit) - lvl:10 Scimitar * Top Infantry units: - lvl:10 Spartan (Maxed on tech) (All 3 countermeasures Maxed) - lvl:15 Ghost Sniper (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Dragoon - lvl:10 Sentinels * Top Heli units: - lvl:15 Valkyrie (Elite mega unit) with maxed armor and drop capability for: 4x Spartan - lvl:10 Reaver (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Atak T129 - lvl:10 Super Hind * Top Fixed Wing units: - lvl:10 Shrike (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Raven (Maxed on tech) - lvl:15 Ghostrider (Elite mega unit maxed on tech) - lvl:15 Nemesis - lvl:15 F-35 (Maxed on tech) FORWARD OPERATING BASE (FOBs): All three FOBs are at level:10 The Kodiak is level 15 with system tech at 13, and the Mastiff has the Concussion Grenade maxed at lvl:15. Also 34,781 Commons to work on Elite Mastiff upgrade. PLATOON CAPACITY: * Alpha lvl:14 (Maxed 2,800 capacity!!!) * Bravo & Charlie platoon lvl11 (2,200 capacity) BUILDINGS & OIL METAL, THORIUM PRODUCTION: * Command Centre lvl12 (maxed) * War factory lvl11 (maxed) * Barrack lvl11 (maxed) * Air field lvl10 (maxed) * Helipad lvl7 (maxed) * Garage lvl 4 * Thorium harvester lvl:8 * Metal Factory 2 lvl:13 & 2 lvl:12 * Metal Storage 1 lvl:13 rest are lvl:12 * All Oil Pump & Tank @ lvl:13 * All Minefields lvl:6 with maxed capacity both light & heavy Vehicle mines OIL & RSS Capacity: Oil: 699,376 Metal: 337,000,000 Thorium: 214,000,000 (can't steal as much if enemy wins) WALLS & PLATFORMS: * All Barriers lvl:11 except 1 lvl:10 * Heavy Platforms: 1 @ lvl 7 & 1 @ lvl 6 * 7 platforms upgraded to lvl12 and 6 @ lvl 11 Note: Standard turrets are not maxed, but most are upgraded to high levels and there are too many to list. See video for details. Unit COMMONS: - Infantry common 95,836 - Light common 25,703 - Heavy common 34,781 - Heli common 79851 -Fixed Wing common 41,699 Tech Cards: - Armor tech 16,388 - Defense tech 13,415 - Crew tech 13,400 - Weapon tech 10,341 - Systems tech 5,824 * Commons and tech in inventory numbers change everyday. This account still has Subscription active and accumulates 1,114 gold per day. Contact me on: Discord: Scottyboy04 #2868 Email: [email protected]
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UPDATE: UNIT COMMONS: - Heavy 49,786 - Light 34,248 TECH CARDS: - Weapon 26,340 - Armor 24,888 - System 14,331 - Crew 14,003