War Commander Rouge Assault LvL:81 base with 2 x lvl:7 heavy platforms. Maxed current units for FOB lvl:10 (Mastiff, Kodiak & Reaver maxed tech). 3 x Elite mega units, Maxed Trident, Valkyrie, Overlord and the most recently introduced SHRIKE and ARTEMIS unit.
Level 81 super high-end account Currently in Top 10 alliance Current offense units can defeat most fully maxed bases in the game ALL CURRENT UNITS: (Note) all the new units are at the highest standards with 95% of it's equipments maxed with tech, making them very powerful and beastly. Especially with Platoon damage boost active for Warzone & PvP Quick Match. * Top Heavy Vehicle units: - lvl:15 Overlord (Elite mega unit) - lvl:15 Paladin (Elite unit) - lvl:15 Centurion (Elite unit) - lvl:10 Mastiff (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Artemis (NEW) * Top Light Vehicle units: All maxed on tech - lvl:15 Trident (Elite mega unit) - lvl:15 Kodiak (Elite unit) deploys 2 x Spartan - lvl:10 Scimitar * Top Infantry units: - lvl:10 Spartan (Maxed on tech) (All 3 countermeasures at lvl:10 +) - lvl:15 Ghost Sniper (Maxed on tech) - lvl:15 Dragoon (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Sentinels (Maxed on tech) * Top Heli units: - lvl:15 Valkyrie (Elite mega unit) with maxed armour and drop capability for 8 x Dragoon 4 x Spartan NOTE: Also DPS mode with 2 equipments maxed for siege damage. - lvl:10 Reaver (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Atak T129 - lvl:10 Super Hind * Top Fixed Wing units: - lvl:10 Shrike (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Raven (Maxed on tech) - lvl:15 Ghostrider (Elite mega unit maxed on tech) - lvl:15 Nemesis - lvl:15 F-35 (Maxed on tech) FORWARD OPERATING BASE (FOBs) All three FOBs are at level:10 and are Maxed on tech. The Kodiak Systems is maxed, and deploys 2 x Spartan when destroyed, and the Mastiff has the Concussion Grenade maxed at lvl:15. Also 10,000+ Criticals to work on Elite Mastiff upgrade. PLATOON CAPACITY: * Alpha lvl:14 (Maxed 2,800 capacity!!!) * Bravo & Charlie platoon lvl11 (2,200 capacity) BUILDINGS & OIL METAL, THORIUM PRODUCTION: * Command Centre lvl12 (maxed) * War factory lvl11 (maxed) * Barrack lvl11 (maxed) * Air field lvl10 (maxed) * Helipad lvl7 (maxed) * Garage lvl 4 * Thorium harvester lvl:8 * All metal factory & storage lvl:13 * All oil pump & tank @ lvl:13 * All minefields lvl:7 with maxed capacity for both infantry, light & heavy Vehicle mines OIL & RSS Capacity: Oil: 699,376 Metal: 460,000,000 Thorium: 460,000,000 WALLS & PLATFORMS: * 10 Barriers @ lvl:12 & 8 Barriers @ lvl:11 * 2 x Heavy Platforms maxed @ lvl 7 with 2 x maxed Heavy Flak & 1 x maxed Gustaf * All platforms upgraded to lvl11 and one @ lvl 12 Note: Standard turrets are not maxed, but most are upgraded to high levels and there are too many to list. * Commons and tech in inventory (numbers changed everyday) Unit COMMONS: - Infantry common 23,837 - Light common 2,514 - Heavy common 9,059 - Heli common 23,211 - Fixed Wing common 25,044 Teach COMMONS: - Armor tech 350 - Crew tech 4,599 - Systems tech 2,935 - Weapon tech 197 - Defense tech 1,501 This account still has Subscription active and accumulates 1,114 gold per day. Contact me on: Discord: Ninja#4951 Email: [email protected]
Level 81 super high-end account Currently in Top 10 alliance Current offense units can defeat most fully maxed bases in the game ALL CURRENT UNITS: (Note) all the new units are at the highest standards with 95% of it's equipments maxed with tech, making them very powerful and beastly. Especially with Platoon damage boost active for Warzone & PvP Quick Match. * Top Heavy Vehicle units: - lvl:15 Overlord (Elite mega unit) - lvl:15 Paladin (Elite unit) - lvl:15 Centurion (Elite unit) - lvl:10 Mastiff (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Artemis (NEW) * Top Light Vehicle units: All maxed on tech - lvl:15 Trident (Elite mega unit) - lvl:15 Kodiak (Elite unit) deploys 2 x Spartan - lvl:10 Scimitar * Top Infantry units: - lvl:10 Spartan (Maxed on tech) (All 3 countermeasures at lvl:10 +) - lvl:15 Ghost Sniper (Maxed on tech) - lvl:15 Dragoon (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Sentinels (Maxed on tech) * Top Heli units: - lvl:15 Valkyrie (Elite mega unit) with maxed armour and drop capability for 8 x Dragoon 4 x Spartan NOTE: Also DPS mode with 2 equipments maxed for siege damage. - lvl:10 Reaver (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Atak T129 - lvl:10 Super Hind * Top Fixed Wing units: - lvl:10 Shrike (Maxed on tech) - lvl:10 Raven (Maxed on tech) - lvl:15 Ghostrider (Elite mega unit maxed on tech) - lvl:15 Nemesis - lvl:15 F-35 (Maxed on tech) FORWARD OPERATING BASE (FOBs) All three FOBs are at level:10 and are Maxed on tech. The Kodiak Systems is maxed, and deploys 2 x Spartan when destroyed, and the Mastiff has the Concussion Grenade maxed at lvl:15. Also 10,000+ Criticals to work on Elite Mastiff upgrade. PLATOON CAPACITY: * Alpha lvl:14 (Maxed 2,800 capacity!!!) * Bravo & Charlie platoon lvl11 (2,200 capacity) BUILDINGS & OIL METAL, THORIUM PRODUCTION: * Command Centre lvl12 (maxed) * War factory lvl11 (maxed) * Barrack lvl11 (maxed) * Air field lvl10 (maxed) * Helipad lvl7 (maxed) * Garage lvl 4 * Thorium harvester lvl:8 * All metal factory & storage lvl:13 * All oil pump & tank @ lvl:13 * All minefields lvl:7 with maxed capacity for both infantry, light & heavy Vehicle mines OIL & RSS Capacity: Oil: 699,376 Metal: 460,000,000 Thorium: 460,000,000 WALLS & PLATFORMS: * 10 Barriers @ lvl:12 & 8 Barriers @ lvl:11 * 2 x Heavy Platforms maxed @ lvl 7 with 2 x maxed Heavy Flak & 1 x maxed Gustaf * All platforms upgraded to lvl11 and one @ lvl 12 Note: Standard turrets are not maxed, but most are upgraded to high levels and there are too many to list. * Commons and tech in inventory (numbers changed everyday) Unit COMMONS: - Infantry common 23,837 - Light common 2,514 - Heavy common 9,059 - Heli common 23,211 - Fixed Wing common 25,044 Teach COMMONS: - Armor tech 350 - Crew tech 4,599 - Systems tech 2,935 - Weapon tech 197 - Defense tech 1,501 This account still has Subscription active and accumulates 1,114 gold per day. Contact me on: Discord: Ninja#4951 Email: [email protected]