pray that you slip threw the cracks. ***************************************************** so yeah 2 of my accounts have been banned so hopefully my others dont. but yeah im hoping that i dont get banned, you should as well, unless u a leech then get banned mofo I just saw that while I was doing a regular round on the OGPlanet forums, hahahaaaaaa. I'm scared~ PFFFFFT LOL NO! Lol yeah 2 of my 3 accounts are banned, and then i had carat events, all the ppl i gifted have been banned except like 1 lol. i think it's cuz he spend like 700 dollars on astros. you know if they just ban you, or you log in, use the item, and then they ban you? Originally Posted by playerup I just saw that while I was doing a regular round on the OGPlanet forums, hahahaaaaaa. I'm scared~ PFFFFFT LOL NO! I couldn't care less about my accounts. CUZ THEY ANT GONNA GET BAN!!! I haven't been active for a hella long time. havent gotten banned but OMFG..... LAWL I GIFTED ALL THE CARAT SCROLLS EXOS CLOTHES AND EVERYTHING. Not. but still i have all the carat scrolls and a lt acc x[ Lol they are only gifting suspicious ppl they dont have a good banning system so yeah. They are just banning suspicious ppl thats all. i only feer for my last cuz i have a good 800+ astros on there but that it scared as hell too i gave people shout outs if they gifted me keys lol and on the forum it says if you sold alot of stuff you'll get banned lol im scared out my mind didnt get banned ftw lol, one of my accounts were unbanned i was like wtf, but dat kwl haha. SO now only 1 of 3 o fmy accounts were banned