Sold Warzone fresh level 1 Bnet Account with camos

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell CoD MW3 Account' started by Sirkimbogreen, 2/13/24.

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  1. Sirkimbogreen

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    This is a fresh level 1 account with 5 blueprints saved.

    The camos on the blueprints are
    Interstellar, Boralis, Priceless, ghoulie and royalty tiger!

    These are loaded with the current "best" attachements.

    These currently do not have season 2 guns done, but if with if you want to wait this can be done.

    This is a battlenet account - the email can be changed to your email on blizzard

    Add me on Discord for a quicker response: KimboGreen

    Please note, the account will be checked before handed over and once handed over due to the nature of this service no returns or refunds.
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