Sold Wartune "play For Me" Service

Discussion in 'Wartune Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RabyPower, 1/19/18.

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  1. RabyPower

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    Last christmas event gave a very awesome rewards, but most of players need to go for christmas and new year vacation. While your friends improved a lot of BR with that rewards, you can't because you were on vacation. But this won't happen again if you use my service.

    You will need to recharge with ton of money if you want the rewards they gave for free while chritsmas, but using my service only cost you small amount compared to that. You will get max rewards and keep up to date.

    I'm opening wartune "play for me" service for people who don't have enough time to play. I can do daily, weekly, monthly or when you're on vacation. So that you won't left behind.

    Contact me for details and price
    [email protected]
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