Selling Wartune char lvl 80 on S397, class Knight, 463...

Discussion in 'Wartune Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adrian Covaci, 1/12/15.

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  1. Adrian Covaci

    Adrian Covaci
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    Wartune char lvl 80 on S397, class Knight, 463 kbr, lvl 80 gear fully enchanted, clothes lvl 7 and wings lvl 6, mount 9,8k, astrals 590k points sylphs: - Hercules, 5 stars purple fully geared, 89kbr - Triton, 2 star purple, fully geared, 43 kbr - Hades, 2 star purple, fully geared, 39kbr, 100 divinity shards more for evolve into Gaia. gems: lvl 12 patk and 11 te rest: mdef, pdef, block, crit and hp. talents: lvl 163, maxed on stun, lvl 7 Mythic Dragon Swordsman, almost maxed on Dragon Soul. runes: level 12 brutality, level 10 Heal rune, level 10 blood, level 8 chaos and level 7 amnezia holy cast: Sword: lvl 1, grade 5 and the rest of items lvl 1, 2 - 4 grade. tank lvl 30 fate stone: maxed troops: lvl 80 with lvl 10 enlightenment. honor: almost 400k jewel hunt and fishing. Level 35 in jewel, 16 fishing soul mark: lvl 53 vip: lvl 9 academy maxed on 1st page, maxed patk, pdef, hp on second. refines: almost all items with: strength, crit, patk, block, defence. I finish first in wb top Knights, top 1-3 on overall. Price for char and other stuff in private.
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