Hi i have account yeasterday i buy pas royal, i have lot of robots and i have silver 1.03b, 400gold, 3500 pover cell, soon will be super chest lot of stuff for example 3xlast stand one anti cpntrol, blitz 12 + 4x12 halo, ao jun 12, orkan mk2x4, Bulwark lvl 12, mercury lvl 12,bulgasari mk2 12, scourage mk2 4x12, spectra mk2 12, spectra 12, pursuer 10, ares lvl 12, taran mk2 x2, more i can send by picture, lot of puzzles for exchanging robots and weapons
nemezis x2 = lvl 12 and lvl 8, hades lvl 1, tempest 12pices, trident 10pices, thunder 2x12 ao jun on 5lvl