Sold Warrior Team 15

Discussion in 'Brave Nine Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Profess0R, 11/9/21.

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  1. Profess0R

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    Hello, im selling Acc

    Special nickname : Levia
    LEGEND :

    1. Levia +12 (Lebyris II)
    2. Valze +12 (Hergeia II)
    3. Mamonir +12 (Levidel II)
    4. Angelica +12 (Elysis II)
    5. Slain +12 (Anaduty II)
    6. Seto +3
    7. Sillion (New)

    5* mercenaries:
    Delsahidne +15 (V)
    Jin +14 (V)
    Venaka +14 (V)
    Siegmund +14 (V)
    Dven +12 (III)

    DJ MAX Event
    Sui(Aqua) +15

    1600 ~Ancient Coin
    Legend Scrolls x100

    Still many PVE contents that can be...

    Read more
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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