Hello everyone, i am selling Icecrown account on Warmane. ACCOUNT DETAILS Account status: In good standing Donation rank: Regular Activity rank: Legate Community rank: Patriot Getting 1.2 points everyday for logging in. Have many items in bank on Mage. MAGE(Troll): Achievement points: 6530 GS: Fire pve - 6.1 Frost pvp - 5.85 SKILLS: Alchemy - 450, Herbalism - 450, First aid - 450 Fishing - 450, Cooking - 450 Eot: 48 Eof: 84 Honor: 68223 Honor kills: 13413 Arena: 1532 PRIEST(Undead): Achievement points: 1565 GS: Shadow-5.5 Disco- 5.1 SKILLS: Tailoring - 450 Skinning - 372 Eot: 123 Eof: 56 Honor: 22800 He has some pvp items. DEATH KNIGHT(Orc): Achievement points: 1150 GS: Udk - 5.2 Tank - 4.5 Eot : Eof: SKILLS: Blacksmithing - 229 Minning - 450 EOT: 99 EOF: 54 WARLOCK(Undead): Achievement points: 1685 GS: Affliction/Demo 5.65 SKILLS: Minning - 450 Engineering - 235 EOT: 35 EOF: 11 HONOR: 23351 ARENA: 175 HUNTER(Troll) Achievement points: 1270 GS: 5.3 SKILLS: Leatherworking - 235 Skinning - 450 EOT: 97 EOF: 70 HONOR: 9371 PALADIN(Blood Elf): Achievement points: GS: Tank 3.8(doing fos pos hc) SKILLS: Enchanting - 377 Jewelcrafting - 88 EOT: 7 EOF: 54 ROGUE(Blood Elf): has heirlooms for faster leveling. Level: 63 GS: 1188 DRUID(Tauren): He has all heirlooms for faster leveling. Level 11 GS: 1043 All characters have around 10 000 together. Thank you for your attention. You can dm me on discord for more info. My discord is Dzontra#3226 or you can dm me here. If you buy an account, you are getting an email too. Only serious people, i can give you my phone number so we can make a Viber call. I can send a pic as a proof of possesion. Peace out