Selling Warframe top top tier account

Discussion in 'SmallWorlds Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bigboi69, 7/31/17.

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  1. Bigboi69

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    *note: email me for the ACTUAL ign name for the account and other extra details you would like to know about account (will show ingame screenshot for proof of account worth)

    $1500 or best offer you have

    My account has:
    -valued in at least 30,000 platinum in items and platinum (30,000 platinum is worth $2010 if you are counting 1 platinum to equal 6.7 cents according to Platinum | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
    -around 9500 platinum in just pure platinum to spend freely
    -all the deluxe skins with bundle
    -over 5000 plat spend on bundles and syndana
    -has sets of arcanes including energize, fury, and grace (over 10,000 platinum in value)
    -mr 22 (can boost to 23 easily )
    -all warframe but nidus , titainia , and valk prime ( have the 2 major parts for her both the system and bp)
    -archwing max so no need to worry about archwing
    -has all color sets (including playerup)
    -has ALOT of arcane helmets (can send full list if you want) (over 3000 platinum worth in total) (have multiple arcane pendragon and multiple arcane aura)
    -has most armor sets
    -has most syndana
    -has 1000+ hours on it
    -has a nice ign (will give it to you once you are serious about buying)
    -good mods including MAX primed mod and MAX vault mods and playerup mods such as Argon Scope
    -13 million credits for trading
    -max rep in 2 fraction
    -has glitched kurbow ( can show screenshots ) (PRICELESS)
    -tons of rare relic ( all relic from ember prime to valk prime)
    -have the starchart completed
    -ran over 200+ raids (Warframe - Law Of Retribution Recording to check the raid count) (HIGH winrate)
    -alot of formas invested in the account
    -300+ items completed (maxed leveled)
    -resources to last a lifetime
    -well respected in the community
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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  3. Erik Machado

    Erik Machado
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    Think you posted this in the wrong section buddy.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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