Selling Warframe MR 16 PRO ACCOUNT !

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tomazo, 11/1/16.

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  1. Tomazo

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    Hello , i sell account+email . The account is pretty good ... here is what i got .. :

    -Frames -
    - Nyx Prime
    - Vauban Prime: Reactor Installed.
    - Rhino Prime: 4 Forma+Reactor+Exalius Adapter - full build + Rhino Prime ARCANE Vanguard helmet!
    - Trinity Prime: Reactor Installed.
    - Loki Prime: Reactor Installed.+Exalius Adapter
    - Ash Prime: 1 Forma+Reactor Installed.+Exalius Adapter
    - Frost Prime: 4 Forma+Reactor+Exalius Adapter - full build.
    - Volt Prime: Reactor Installed.
    <Archwing- Odonata Prime
    (i leveled up almost all the non-prime frames but they are being sold after i level them up for mastery rank exp , cus they are usless .. keeping only the PRIME ones ! The same logic i use with the weapons ! I save only the PRIME ONES+the good ones and syndicates , cus space=money. )

    - Weapons -

    - Soma Prime: 2 Forma+Catalyst - Full Endgame mods build.
    - Boltor Prime: 2 Forma+Catalyst - Full Endgame mods build.
    - Boar Prime: Catalyst Installed.
    - Paris Prime: Catalyst Installed.
    - Braton Prime
    - Burston Prime
    - Vectis Prime: Catalyst Installed.
    - Sancti Tigris: Catalyst Installed.
    - Rakta Cernos - Syndicate Weapon.
    - Dex Sybaris: Event Weapon! + Catalyst Installed.
    - Tonkor
    - Quanta Vandal: Rare Baro ki'teer weapon.
    - Prisma Tetra: Rare Baro ki'teer weapon.

    - Sicarus Prime: Catalyst Installed.
    - Vasto Prime
    - Lex Prime: Catalyst Installed
    - Hikou Prime
    - Telos Akbolto: Syndicate Weapon. + Catalyst Installed. + 4 Forma End-Game Build.
    - Vaykor Marelok: Syndicate Weapon.
    - Secura Dual Cestra: Syndicate Weapon.
    - Synoid Gammacor: Syndicate Weapon.
    - Kulstar

    - Dakra Prime: Catalyst Installed.
    - Fragor Prime
    - Orthos Prime
    - Scindo Prime: Catalyst Installed. + 1 Forma.
    - Nikana Prime: Catalyst Installed. + 1 Forma - End-Game red crit build .
    - Dex Dakra: Event Weapon.
    - Broken War
    - Machete Wraith: Rare
    - Mios
    - Redeemer
    - WAR - Catalyst Installed. + 2 Forma. End-Game red crit build.
    - Dark Dagger

    - Companions -

    - Carrier Prime: Catalyst Installed. End-Game build.
    <>Sweeper Prime (Carrier Prime's GUN) - Catalyst Installed. + 3 Forma End-Game max rare mods build , hit almost as hard as me.

    - Wyrm Prime: Catalyst Installed. End-Game build.
    <> Prime Laser Rifle (Wyrm Prime's GUN) - Catalyst Installed. + 3 Forma End-Game max rare mods build , hit almost as hard as me.

    - Sunika Kubrow - i have all the best mods for kubrows in the game .

    - F.O.C.U.S -
    + 25% Slash damage
    + 25% Impact Damage
    + 25% Puncture damage
    + Phoenix Gaze spell !


    - Hunhow's Gift - 595 PLATINUM !
    - Loki Deluxe Skin - 325 PLATINUM !
    - Trinity Deluxe Skin - 250 Platinum !
    - Rhino Deluxe Skin - 215 Platinum !
    - Rhino Immortal Skin - 40 Platinum !
    - Rhino ARCANE Vanguard Helmet - 500+ Platinum !
    - Excalibur Immortal Skin - 40 Platinum !
    - Ash Immortal Skin - 40 Platinum !
    - Uru Syandana - 50 Platinum !
    - Harkonar Spaulders - 50 Platinum !
    - Rav Elite-Guard Leg - 50 Platinum !
    - Dendra Shoulderguard - 50 Platinum !
    - Classic Saturated COLOR PALETTE - 75 Platinum !
    - Daybreak COLOR PALETTE - 75 Platinum !
    - Orokin COLOR PALETTE - 75 Platinum !
    - Kubrow TIGROL skin - 40 Platinum !
    - Slots for frames , weapons and stuff - around 300 Platinum !
    - Catalysts/Adapters/Reactors - Over 500 platinum !
    - THE STALKER profile icon - 20 Platinum !
    - Liset Prisma Skin for your SHIP - rare Baro Ki'Teer stuff.
    - Companion Ki'Teer Sentinel Mask - rare Baro Ki'teer stuff.
    - Companion Prisma Jet Tail - rare Baro Ki'teer stuff.
    - Companion Prisma Wings - rare Baro Ki'teer stuff.
    - Ki'teer Syandana - Baro Ki'teer rare EXPENSIVE void trader stuff.
    - Prisma Yamako Syandana - Baro Ki'teer rare EXPENSIVE void trader stuff.
    - Full Prisma Deadalus accessories pack - Baro Ki'teer void trader RARE EXPENSIVE stuff that takes alot of months and grind to obtain.
    - Telos Syandana - Syndicate ! 100.000 reputation ! shines when you kill stuff with it.

    - P.R.I.M.E.D MODS -
    Primed Pressure Point
    Primed Flow
    Primed Heavy Trauma
    Primed Heated Charge
    Primed Continuity
    Primed Point Blank
    Primed Reach
    Primed Slip Magazine
    Crimson Dervish
    Tempo Royale
    Cleaving Whirlwind
    Tranquil Cleave
    Blind Justice
    (and many more which doesnt worth mentioning)
    Buzz Kill
    Collision Force
    Hammer Shot
    Heavy Caliber
    Lethal #
    Rending Strike
    Blind Rage
    Body Count
    Blood Rush

    And many many more mods , i dont even wanna waste space here ....

    Price: 100 EURO .. CHEAP as **** .. dont lose your chance.. i sell it SO CHEAP .. cus i need money URGENTLY !

    my facebook. is : Tomas Atanasov | facebook.
    my skype is : smoke-machinee
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