Selling Warframe Grandmaster Account

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/3/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hello everyone!

    I am looking to sell my Warframe account, Grandmaster status. I couldn't find time to play Warframe due to studies and work so I am planning on selling it.

    I've not been playing Warframe for quite sometime so I might have missed out some stuff..

    But, here is what I have :

    Rank Mastery : Level 15, Gold Hunter

    2,920,147 Credits

    429 Platinum

    All Warframes are potato'ed and ranked 30 with some Forma'ed. I do not have Hydroid, Rhino Prime and Loki Prime.

    Primary Weapons : (All potato'ed, ranked 30 except for Torid [29] and Vulkar [22])

    Attica, Boar, Boar Prime, Boltor, Braton, Braton prime, Braton Vandal, Burston, Burston Prime, Cernos, Dera, Drakgoon, Dread, Flux Rifle, Gorgon, Gorgon Wraith, Grakata, Grinlok, Hek, Hind, Ignis, Karak, Lanka, Latron, Latron Prime, Miter, Mk1-Braton, Ogris, Paris, Paris Prime, Penta, Phage, Snipetron, Snipetron Vandal, Sobek, Soma, Strun, Strun Wraith, Supra, Synapse, Tetra, Tigris, Torid, Vectis, Vulkar.

    Secondary Weapons : (All potato'ed, ranked 30 except for Dex Furis [23] and Lato [21])

    Acrid, Afuris, Akbolto, Akbronco, Aklato, Aklex, Akmagnus, Akstiletto, Akvasto, Ballistica, Bolto, Bronco, Bronco Prime, Castanas, Cestra, Despair, Detron, Dex Furis, Dual Cestra, Embolist, Furis, Hikou, Kraken, Kunai, Lato, Lato Prime, Lato Vandal, Lex, Magnus, Marelok (2 Pairs), Seer, Sicarus, Sicarus Prime, Spectra, Stug, Twin Gremlins, Twin Vipers, Tysis, Vasto, Viper, Wraith Twin Vipers.

    Melee Weapons : (All potato'ed, ranked 30 except for Nami Skyla [6])

    Amphis, Ankyros, Bo, Ceramic Dagger, Cronus, Dakra Prime, Dark Dagger, Dark Sword, Dual Cleavers, Dual Ether, Dual Heat Swords, Dual Ichor, Dual Kamas, Dual Skana, Dual Zoren, Ether Daggers, Ether Reaper, Ether Sword, Fang, Fang Prime, Fragor, Furax, Galatine, Glaive, Glaive Prime, Gram, Heat Dagger, Heat Sword, Jat Kittag, Jaw Sword, Kama, Kestrel, Kogake, Lecta, Machete, Machete Wraith, Magistar, Mire, Nami Skyla, Obex, Othos, Orthos Prime, Pangolin Sword, Plasma Sword, Prova, Reaper Prime, Scindo, Scoliac, Skana, Skana Prime.

    Sentinels : (All potato'ed and ranked 30)

    Carrier, Dethcube, Djinn, Helios, Shade, Wyrm

    Other Stuff :

    Immortal Skins, Clan Emblem, Badges(Cicero Crisis Badge, Tethra's Doom Quantum Emblem etc), All syandanas except for Iliac and Yamako, a lot of helmets, tons of mods (6959 mods) including rare ones (eg. Pistol Pestilence, High Voltage etc), all sword attachments, all Sentinel accessories except for Mandible and Para, and many more..

    Contact me by Skype ( weediee ) and feel free to ask any questions!

    Hey there

    I am interested on your account, but would it be alright if you could provide pictures please?

    Sorry, I am unable to post links or images at the moment but I can show you the screenshots by PM or skype.

    Its cool, I trying to add you on Skype, however 3 people appear with that name, would you by chance be weediee_macweed?

    My Skype username is weediee.

    If you don't mind, I can add you instead.

    Does this account have the new prova vandal and breeding grounds mods? I'm interested if so

    I'm interested in purchasing your account...could you please add me on skype at, ltortella


    I would like to buy this account just tell me ur price

    I'm interested in buying your account! Add me on skype at Frost Hunter


    Does it have the excalibur proto armor skin by any chance?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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