Selling Warframe Grand master rank 11 account, with over...

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adham Euro, 4/28/15.

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  1. Adham Euro

    Adham Euro
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    Warframe Grand master rank 11 account, with over $200plat. Warframe account details Rank 11 time played 400hrs 100% completion rate open all maps Credits = 1M Platinum = 200 Mod rating = almost 4M Warframes 12 warframes Excaliber = level 30 (helmet)_(Proto-Armor skin)-(orokin reactor) Trinity = level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet) Loki Prime= level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet) Frost prime = level 30 (orokin reactor)(helmet) Nekros = level 30 (orokin reactor)(helmet) Mag prime = level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet) Vauban = level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet) Volt Prime= level 30 (helmet) Hydroid = level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet) Limbo = level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet) Mesa = level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet) Mirage = level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet) (((((( ALL WARFRAMS HAVE FULL MODS AND ALL MODS OF SYNDICATE ))))))) Sentinel Wyrm prime = level 30 (orokin reactor)(orokin catalist) Wep:- Boltor prime = level 30 (orokin catalist) Full forma's Prisma Gorgon=level 30 (orokin catalist) Quanta Vandal = level 30 (orokin catalist) Synoid Gammacor = level 30 (orokin catalist) Dragon Nikana = level 30 (orokin catalist) Dex Dakra = level 30 (orokin catalist) Orthos Prime = level 30 (orokin catalist)
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  2. OP
    Zemin Hoe

    Zemin Hoe
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    steam wallet can ah?
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  3. OP
    Adham Euro

    Adham Euro
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    cash u you can ?!
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  4. OP
    Adham Euro

    Adham Euro
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    and what is your offer ?!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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