Selling  Europe  PC  MR 30+ Warframe account MR L1

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cr0hunt3r, 3/20/24.

  1. Cr0hunt3r

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    WTS :Warframe Legendary 1 MR account
    Original owner : Yes
    Comes with original e-mail : No

    7850 hours of gameplay
    5800 platinum
    $230 in tennogen skins
    More than 2000 vaulted relics
    More than 35000 platinum spent on decoration items
    All Legendary mods
    More than 1000 forma installed
    150+ Riven mods
    Warframes :
    Ash prime,atlas prime,banshee prime,baruuk,chroma prime,ember, ember prime,equinox prime,excalibur, excalibur umbra,frost prime,gara,gara prime,garuda,gauss,grendel,gyre,Harrow,harrow prime,hyldrin,hyldrin prime ,hydroid prime,inaros prime,ivara prime,khora,khora prime,limbo prime, Loki, Loki prime,mag prime,mesa,mesa prime,mirage prime, nekros, nekros prime,nezhamprime,nidus, nidus prime,nova prime,nyx, nyx prime,oberon prime,Octavia, octavia prime,protea, revenant,revenant prime,rhino prime,saryn prime,Titania prime,Trinity, Trinity prime,valkyr prime, volt prime,vauban prime, wisp,wukong prime,xaku,yareli,zephyr prime.

    Most arcanes
    Lots of builds
    Most warframes have 2-5 forma installed
    Lots of deluxe bundles
    Some good and great riven mods
    You can DM me in discord for more info.
    DISCORD: Cr0hunt3r#0357

    In this account is invested lots of love, orbiter is filled with decorations,there are a lot of skins, allmost all helmets(not the arcane ones) lot of syandanas , ephemeras, attachments etc. Also some tennogen weapons skins, tennogen warframe skins, and a few tennogen syandanas. I dont want to part with my account, but I have no choice. Usually I would not sell it under 2000€ but since its urgent for me, what can you offer?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.