I trade/sell my Warface-Account! Server. EU K/D: 1.12 Crowns: ~ 10.000 Warface-Dollar: ~ 60.000 Lvl: 42 Weapons: Miller AP6, T27, Striker, all Vendor Weapons, P-57, Lmg 3, Eagle Eye, FAS-12, TWM, FY-47, Richmond 870RIS, GU-7, M900, Katana Equipment: Carbon Fiber Gloves, Light-Boots, Sliding-Boots, many Vendor-Equipment If u are interested send me a private Message or add me on Skype: theluhab You can send me also tradings with your account i look for a account who have PEG-Bullpup or Peg-KT or something like this^^ .;