Selling Warface acc lvl 47 EU, all OP weapons!

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheLuhab, 5/17/15.

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  1. TheLuhab

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    Hello, I sell my Account because I stop playing Warface.

    This is a EU-Server account, its online for EU-Server!

    This account is lvl 47 and has:
    - all vendor weapons, gear and euipement unlocked and purchased
    - K/D: 1.191
    - Crowns: 24.110
    - 21 Reseructioncoins
    - 32 days vip

    Special Things:
    - 42 Knockbackgrenades
    - 303 360° Mines
    - 184 Christmasmines
    - 550 Bluesmokegrenades
    - 420 days WM-Smoke
    - 150 days Advancedflasgbang
    - 180 days Flashbang
    - Christmas Medikit (Permanent)
    - all Warlord Helmets (!)

    Weapons for Sniper:
    Miller AP6, M217, Garota, Everest, TWM, BNP-SNR, Karkom Navy-BLue, a lot more but not special enough

    Weapons for Engineer:
    MX-4Storm, Micro-Oren, GU 7,

    Weapons for Medic:
    Piledriver, Striker, PEG-KT, FAS 12, Richmond 870RIS

    Weapons for Rifleman:
    F1000, F2000, AR-GAR, LMG 240, T27, Fy 47, LMG 3

    Katana, Black Hawk, Icicle Knife, Ice Axe

    HEX-Autorevolver, P 57, M900, Eagle Eye

    If you are interested in buying my account, contact me in skype: theluhab or write an email: [email protected]

    if u want screenshots, to proof i am not a scammer i can take, no problem
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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