Selling war thunder all american jets and era 5 tanks account+premium tanks/plane

Discussion in 'WarThunder Accounts for Sale' started by zamasu997, 8/11/17.

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  1. zamasu997

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    war thunder account with all american jets
    top jets f86f2 sabre- f9f5-b57b and all other lower jets and era 4/3 planes.
    top tanks-m103-t95-t32 and premium m46 tiger.
    few era 2 planes-premium plane- he 112
    top tank- tiger h1-stug 3-hetzer-jagdpanzer 4.
    top plane la7 era 4 and all era 3 russian fighter+ lagg 3 premium plane
    premium hellcat mk2 plane.
    account has 6 milion covertable xp. and very trained cre for american jets. specialy very trained crew of sabre f86f2 with all module unlocked.
    PRICE 70
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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