Selling    War thunder account, LVL 83, TOP tier France tanks, premium and event vehicles, 35 Gaijin coins

Discussion in 'WarThunder Accounts for Sale' started by mcech02, 5/22/22.

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  1. mcech02

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    Hello, I´m selling my personal account for the game War thunder

    I´m having it since 2013 and providing it with new email and password, ALL CHANGEABLE, security options are turned off so you can turn back on and have fully functioning account.


    Account includes:

    - 35,30 GJN coins - can be used on market or official War thunder shop to buy anything

    - France top tier tanks and premiums:

    Tier VI: AMX-30B2, AMX-30B Brenus,

    Tier V: AMX-30A, Talisman: AMX-30B,

    Tier IV: Somua SM, AMX-13/75 (SS.11)

    Tier III: E.B.R. (1954)

    Tier II: B-1 ter, LVT-4/40

    - France premium planes:

    Tier III: P-47 D-22-RE

    Tier II: P-40 F-5 Lafayette

    - Great Brittain premium tanks:

    Tier II: A.C.I.

    - Great Brittain premium planes:

    Tier III: Mustang Mk. 1A

    Tier II: Beaufighter Mk. 1 (40mm)

    Tier I: Gladiator Mk.II (Tuck)

    - SSSR premium and event vehicles:

    Tier VI: Talisman T-62 (br. 8.7)

    Tier IV: PT-76-57, IS 6

    Tier III: T-34-57 (1943)

    Tier II: T-126 SP

    - SSSR premium planes and boats

    Tier I: I-153 M-62, Ya-5M

    - Germany premium tanks:

    Tier III: KV-1B 755r

    - USA premium tanks:

    Tier IV: M46 Patton 73. ab, T29

    Tier I: Talisman: M22 Locust

    - USA premium planes:

    Tier IV: P -51D-20 Mustang

    Tier III: Talisman F6F

    - USA premium boats

    Tier III: PT-658

    - Italy premium tank:

    Tier I: M13/40 serie II, (classic research vehicles tier III)

    and not so much coins and GE, but you have GJN coins to spend it on them if you want.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask me or if you want more pictures, I can provide them.

    Have a nice day :)
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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